*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Bertha looks nice and healthy! she has not moved out to the coop yet I presume with t he brooder in the background?

She is very health. Very sweet. Yes she is still in doors. I live in Oregon and it's only in the 50's and raining a lot. I'm probably going to wait until they are 8 weeks to put them out side. It's longer then I did with my other 5 but it's also a different time of year.
My beautiful, gentle, perfect BO roo Skipper died suddenly a few days ago. Everyone is really bummed and the girls are in an uproar. Now starts the hunt for a new flock rooster.
I'm so sorry for your loss! I had a BO hen that just disappeared all of a sudden... I partly blame my self. Anyway, here is a pic of my BO roo and me soaking up the sun!
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