*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Lovely girls!!
I saw my buff Orpington growing an wondering if any of those were a hen. It was seven this afternoon. I keep thinking one is definetly a rooster as is turning a nice one, I was sold them as pure breed.
My chickens go back to their coop at 8:30. Could not find this little roo when i went out to close the coop. Husband found it dead outside the fence of the the house. It had two bites like dog bites. I know the other three may be roosters, but speciality this was turning so good looking. Bummer!
I sent you a PM with an Iowa breeders contact information. Hope it helps. There are several breeders in Indiana. We will have a limited amount of hatching eggs soon. They will be placed on ebay.
I saw your post, am looking for a good indiana breeder, do you reccomend any? I want to start chicks now so they can be ready for colder weather. My girls (wyandottes and PPR) arent very frendly, got them all as young/adults.
Any help appreciated
Meyers Hatchery is a good place. Thats where we bought ours.


It is difficult comparing hatchery and Heritage Buff Orpingtons. A hatchery Orpington may resemble the true heritage Orpington, but it will be about half its size. An Orpington bred to the Standard of Perfection will look like these. The Standard calls for weights of Male 10#, Hen 8#, Cockerel 8.5# and Pullet 7#. Most hatchery stock will achieve at maturity about 7-8# for males and about 5# for hens. This comes from years of poor section and outcrossing to other breeds (Leghorns) to improve production.



And their 16 week old pullets:


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