Buff Orpington x Barred Rock results (pics)

these are my surprise chicks. They are mixed rocks. White rock. Buff rock. Barred rock. Mixed with a white or barred rock roo. I look forward to see what I get and hope to get some beautiful mix rocks
Not a barred rock, but a golden cuckoo marans over a buff orpington. I hatched one baby. Roo and hen with the baby.

Close ups at 2 1/2 months old. I though it was a she, but im seeing wattles now. The marans you can tell at 2 weeks old.


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Any guesses on what would happen if i used a silver laced orpington rooster?
A silver laced rooster over a barred Rock hen? You'd have a sex link offspring. Instead of the red leakage, your chicks would have silver leakage. And quite possibly some incomplete lacing on the pullets.
A silver laced rooster over a barred Rock hen? You'd have a sex link offspring. Instead of the red leakage, your chicks would have silver leakage. And quite possibly some incomplete lacing on the pullets.
I am just trying to come up with fun new ideas to use my SLO Roo on. I'm relatively new and am open to suggestion. Also getting some Jubilee Orps tonight. Straight run.
This old thread needs a bump. The cross from an orpington rooster/barred rock hen is beautiful. If any of my hens turn out to be good setters, I'm going to try for this. Too neat!

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