Buffy and Baby (still has no name) Lots of pics

Well, today Buffy came out of the crate finally. And of course, the little one followed. She had her first dust bath and what a joy that was. I even let them out of the coop for a few minutes, The pullets quickly learned to stay away from the baby. Since there are 10 pullets and only 1 Buffy and baby, I kept a close eye on things. One of them got close enough to peck the baby while buffy was chasing off another one. I thought a pullet was going to die!! But, she just scared the crap out of the girl. It took me a few minutes to get her and the baby back in the little coop. But all are safe now. I bet the baby is tired. What a big day for her(hopefully her anyway!)
What a cute baby! Nice looking momma Buff too. I have two and am about as unoriginal as everyone else. One is Buffarino and the other Goldie. Not very creative, but it works. I love the pics with the two together. Very sweet!
I moved the crate to the floor today, so it would be easier for everyone else to let them out. I left them in the pullet coop for now, but the pullets are out free ranging. I am going to leave it that way for now. What I am most worried about is when she weans her. I think I am going to have to keep her separte in a cage in the coop till she gets big enough to handle everyone. I guess that really depends on how old the baby is when weaned.

I let the big chickens free range with the pullets and at night eveyone is in the right coop, and Lucky is definately letting those pullets know she is large and in charge around there. It is funny. They don't really put up any fight, just run.

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