Building A Hoop Coop first! a Pallet Coop next!

I remembered you were looking for some rare chicken called a Basque. I just saw a byc member has   Marraduna Basque Cockerels for sale and I believe have Basque hens also you may be able to get chicks.  They are also in california I just dont know how close to you.

Really? I'm getting a Basque rooster on Saturday from a friend of mine Ronott1. Is that their Username? If not I'd definitely like to get some of their stock also.

This week ill have a dozen hatching eggs coming in the mail, and my roo on the 11th.
Sorry about the slow process on the pallet coop. It's been in the low 100's here lately. just too hot to work outside. Luckily everyone is getting along in the hoop coop. The BR chicks have been sleeping good with the meaties. I've been separating them once they get snuggled up and half way asleep just to keep the meatie mutants from squishing the little ole BR chicks. I'm hoping to have this coop done within this next 2 or 3 weeks. It's supposed to cool down after this wave. Tonight I am going to put up the new chicken yard inside the sheep pasture since poor Cesar isn't here anymore to enjoy it (R.I.P Cesar). In the green season this pasture has thick lush green grass the chickens are gonna love to forage in. It's under a few trees and still has pretty tall brown grass, might be some kind of wheat or something I'm not sure. So ill take pictures of that tonight once its up. Heres some pictures of the chicks yesterday.... The lazy Loner, Roosting in the Hoop Coop.... Hope everyone is staying cool! Enjoy the day
Wow crazy my CX are much bigger. I wonder why!? No way mine could get up that roost in the lower pic. Thogh they are large they are very energetic and run and jump. Yours look very healthy and happy too, the little BRs are so cute also. Where did you get your CX from?
I kno right???

I was thinking Mayne because I had mine outside running around a big area earlier maybe burning off the weight their supposed to be putting on?? I have no clue. I got them from cackle hatchery. I gotta get a scale so I cam weight them. And this next batch I'm gonna record each week how much weight they gain. I kinda wish I would have got mine where you got yours since yours are way bigger lol.

I'm not mad if I have to take them to 8-9 weeks. Hopefully I can get most of them around 5lb harvest weight at least. But yea I was shocked when I seen how much bigger yours meaties where when I saw that pic.

AND I have the "jumbo" Cornish X
Im finishing this coop this weekend. I'm getting a Euskal Oiloa rooster tomorrow AND my new chicks come tomorrow! I got the roost/poop board done this morning. Still have to put linoleum on the roosts.
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Coop outside Coop front Top lock Bottom lock Coop back and small yard. Im gonna get more pallets and extend the coop with a covered area.for small chicks. over that little fencing i fenced off a area to forage in its probably a little hard to see. ill get better pics. This is the finished poop board/roost. The perches have linoleum on them. I might take that off because it seems hard for them to get a grip. I think some sort of paint would be better. But the wall behind it has linoleum also incase they spray. It's pretty much done except the nestboxes which I won't need for another few weeks until the Barred Rock chicks move in. For now just my new Euskal Oiloak rooster.
I love your screen door! I was telling hubby that I'm going to want one now that we are finally getting the fence done because I was opening the door to increase ventilation this summer. But I might as well not even try to plan anything because hubby will do what he wants (he's does it now and in some cases, ignores what I want).

And I like your rooster. I've seen one similar called a Hamp-Bar...cross between Barred Rock & New Hampshire. I've got a BR cockerel and 6 red sex links so I might get some handsome looking chickens like that next year.

Thanks Soo much!! I really like it too. I just have to put a handle on the darn thing! Lol. My rooster is a Basque rooster. From the Basque region in Spain. His name is Macho'. Your chicks will probably be Soo cute! I have some eggs in the incubator now that are barnyard Mic. Rhode island reds x Dorking/americuana mix. Also I 1 egg from my Golden sex link girl w/ Dorking/americuana also in there so it should be a colorful hatch!
Very Nicely done. We've made a small coop and a goat shelter out of pallets! I've been wanting to make a hoop enclosure so thank you for the pics...I'm taking notes! LOL

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