Building New Coop/Barn...Phase 5 Great Barn Build, OCCUPIED! 3/6/16

If you don't see them at your HD, I will send you some. HD is just about 2 minutes from our house. I looked them up on Amazon and they are 4.86 each!! Gotta watch Amazon, that is twice what they are at HD. The ones I saw were GE 7.5 watt soft white night light S11. Let me know if you need me send 6 or so.
You're so sweet, but I'm sure I'll find some. We worked all day removing stuff from the soon-to-be-demolished building, setting up a workshop in the former Old Hens' coop, so we are bushed. Until we get back to HD or Lowe's, we can use the 15 watt up high in the brooder lamp fixture, seem to work okay up there. Maybe it would be a good idea just to leave the fan with the brighter CFL in it for when we want actual light and keep the brooder fixture with its 15 watt bulb, but the barn is always so light with the 5 windows facing east and west, I'm not sure when that would be unless it's in the actual night and there's some sort of emergency. I'll check HD next time we go, though.
I appreciate you check that out for me! Now, you be sure you don't move too far from me when you get up this way, Angela.
Sure thing my dear! I am forever in your debt for all of the chicken help you have given me the past two years so anything I can do to help you out is my pleasure.

Speaking of moving...we may have found a strong possibility in Turtletown, TN. I am hoping that my husband and I can make a trip up at the last of April to look at it. Although, I must admit I am little worried about leaving the girls as it is only 82 degrees here and they are already standing around with their wings held out. Poor babies, they have a long muggy summer ahead of them. My sister normally comes over and house sits when we go somewhere but I don't feel comfortable leaving her here on heat stroke watch. Hopefully, it will cool back down a bit. It is waaaaaay too early to be so warm.
Sure thing my dear! I am forever in your debt for all of the chicken help you have given me the past two years so anything I can do to help you out is my pleasure.

Speaking of moving...we may have found a strong possibility in Turtletown, TN. I am hoping that my husband and I can make a trip up at the last of April to look at it. Although, I must admit I am little worried about leaving the girls as it is only 82 degrees here and they are already standing around with their wings held out. Poor babies, they have a long muggy summer ahead of them. My sister normally comes over and house sits when we go somewhere but I don't feel comfortable leaving her here on heat stroke watch. Hopefully, it will cool back down a bit. It is waaaaaay too early to be so warm.

I checked the link you gave me. That area is very quiet, lots of farm land. Been through there quite a bit, just been awhile.

ETA: This fan is completely silent, not a whisper. We have it pulling upward to draw hot air up and circulate and even on high, no sound.

I will be auctioning off a twin-to-full size bed quilt I made on our Blue Roo Creations Facebook page, if anyone is interested. Yes, there is a minimum bid but at a certain level, there will be free shipping. If it doesn't sell or no one bids, it will go into Etsy at normal price point.
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The barn got a screen door today, moved from Xander's old coop. It fits the width but is a tad short so will have to add a screen from the top beam down to fill in that space to make it safe from hawks, etc. It will be great in summer when we don't want them outside or when we just have to be gone in the heat of the day or just to leave the barn open later in the day to dissipate heat.

I got a nice spider bite on my neck from disassembling that old building. It's full of the tiniest spiders you ever saw, some almost invisible to the naked eye. Ouch. Now, I have a huge red welt on my neck that itches like crazy.

spiders I dont even like to get close enough to smack them

That building didn't have insulation, just was double walled with dead air space in between. The spiders sure loved that space. I didn't realize I was bitten until later in the day, but I knew exactly what did it. I worked today on it, taking off trim, removing inside plywood, a window, etc, until my ankle is so bad, I can barely walk, so DH made me come inside and sit down. He was out helping me most of the time. Earlier, he tilled the former pen in front of the old hens' former residence and didn't have it in him to till the actual garden, but I sucked him into the de-construction unintentionally. Now, we both hurt.
Are you feeling better today Cyn? Hoping the spider bite is not giving you problems and that your ankle is better.

Thanks for asking. The spider bite is getting better, but it sure left a welt that itched like crazy! My ankle will always be an issue. Tearing down a big building is not an easy task-my right hand was so swollen and stiff this morning, again, I couldn't begin to close it, but it is what it is. We're taking it down in the order we put it up, aside from the ramps, which we're leaving so we don't have to step up into it. So much is going on the burn pile, but some is stacked ready to use in other projects, lots of 1x4 and 1x2 trim. The hardest part will be the roof. I've pulled so many nails, which is why my hand is the way it is. I'm going to try to crochet some today while Tom is in TN at a Bible conference. He told me he didn't want me out there getting hurt while he was gone, LOL.
The former Old Hens' coop, former bantam coop, is now a workshop/storage building. Need to wash it down and repaint it since no more red dirt is being thrown up onto it from dustbathing hens.

This one is on its way down. It's really an 8x8 and an 8x12 in an "L" formation, so technically two buildings. I deferred maintenance on it, knowing it would be gone in the not-too-distant future so lots of water-damaged trim to be burned, but there is plywood I need from inside and quite a few good 2x4's (more nails to pull, ick). When it's gone, I'll be able to see the little 4x8 coop with the covered pen where Ida will raise her chicks.
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