building paradise for the birds

I live 10 miles from town,, we have a bear hanging around down by the river,, there are coyotes all over this countryside.. a neighbor just a mile to the south of us had pictures of 7 wolves on his trail cam in his yard ,,

all I have are a few red squirrels and a rabbit that the dogs don't seem to mind .. other than that, there are not any kind of tracks in the snow except a few deer ..

No, I do not have any guineas left.. I had about 90 of them going into this fall, but I sold all of them,
I had about 40 chickens and I sold them also.. all I have left is the old colored rooster, one old Tom turkey and a gander with two gooses ..

this is one winter that i am not going to mess with frozen water and going out to feed birds in minus -20F temps..

well jim are guineas good for freerange.. we have ten acres and would like to free range them...I think they would do good..what are your thoughts
i have two pitbulls so nothing makes it to the back yard and if it does make it into the yard it sure dont make it out...beautiful dogs jim...
so i still need some guineas this wouldnt happen to have any still out there would you....
here are some pics

Gorgeous dogs!!! Ugh, guineas.. If we were closer I would give you a few guinea! I have about 30 here, and several of them someone generously "dumped" off. I had 1 pearl and 4 lavender. kept around 8 keets this fall, sold the rest! One morning, I had a flock running around of the dusty chocolate color, and a neighbor said they were in the road and by the creek. Since we have around 200 assorted birds here, they just kinda settled in
most of them just roost in the trees or the lean to off the barn.
1 out of 3 cats kill for fun you must have gotten unlucky my cats kill anything that's not another pet (rats,mice,snakes,lizards and wild birds) I would prefer not the birds/reptiles but it's worth it to keep down the rodent population

Visit this site lots of cat info also funny
Gorgeous dogs!!! Ugh, guineas.. If we were closer I would give you a few guinea! I have about 30 here, and several of them someone generously "dumped" off. I had 1 pearl and 4 lavender. kept around 8 keets this fall, sold the rest! One morning, I had a flock running around of the dusty chocolate color, and a neighbor said they were in the road and by the creek. Since we have around 200 assorted birds here, they just kinda settled in
most of them just roost in the trees or the lean to off the barn.
how many guineas you got available....def around the Midwest quite a bit
Quote: around 10. I have my pearls and lavenders, the chocolates aren't a color I wanted to keep, and they are teaching my Guinea bad habits. PM me, I am in central IN just google Pendleton. They all appear to be young adults, so will be breeding this spring, and the eggs/meat are pretty yummy
If we don't rehome them, they will go in the freezer pretty soon.
1 out of 3 cats kill for fun you must have gotten unlucky my cats kill anything that's not another pet (rats,mice,snakes,lizards and wild birds) I would prefer not the birds/reptiles but it's worth it to keep down the rodent population

Sometimes when I catch a rat, I make it half dead and leave it to the cats, but the cats are hesitated to touch it and when the rat screams and stand up, ready to fight with the cats, the cats just freaked out and run away, watching it in a distance. Maybe what I caught is too big for them and they can only deal with small ones.

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