Bumble bee foot

Jan 2, 2022
Texarkana Arkansas
Hi everyone!! I have this white legbars chicken who had previously had bumble bee foot. We took her to our local avian hospital and she had sugary on her foot. After about four weeks she started molting and now she has not payed any eggs ever since she got the bumble bee foot. Could she not be laying eggs because she was molting? Or did the bumble bee foot come back? Here is a pic of her foot. I felt her foot were she got the sugary done and it is as hard as a rock. Is that normal after a sugary? Thanks!
That's odd, did the vet give you any medication for her after the surgery for the bumble foot? Can she grasp with the foot?
Most chickens molt in the fall and in the winter, they go on break since the days aren't long enough for them to lay.

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