Bumblefoot, not getting better

Hey everyone. Nothing new has happened, but I just wanted to let you all know that Daisy is still doing great. She's moving around a lot and is as active as ever!

We do have a small problem though.. her nose is partially clogged. :rolleyes: She has a couple big chunks of dried mucus on either side, and I'm worried that they're interfering with her breathing. I've tried picking at them, but she jerks away and will not have it. I'm hoping that a warm bath will get rid of it. She hasn't been able to get a soak in a few days, but I called the vet today and he said she would be just fine.

I'll continue with the updates and, as always, thank you!
Hey everyone. Sorry for no update, I've been very busy.

Daisy was prescribed a new medicine, I believe called trimethoprim. She takes it twice a day for two weeks. Hopefully, this will kill out the bad bacteria and her infection will go away. If not, we may be looking at an amputation.

Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers -- and we'll remain strong and hopeful! Thank you!
Hey everyone. It's been awhile since I posted an update and I apologize for that.

So, good news and bad news. The new medication worked somewhat, but not really enough. Daisy has two different types of bacteria in her foot that is causing all these problems. The one is staph, bumblefoot, and the other is something else. The first medicine we tried helped fight only the staph and the second helped fight only the other bacteria. So, we now have to move on to another medicine and hope it fights both.

The vet believes most of the infection is out though, which is great, however she also believes Daisy has irreversible bone damage to her leg. She does walk with a limp and most likely always will, but she seems just fine. She still runs, swims, waddles, and everything else a duck does. She has a healthy appetite and all seems normal.

The vet believes this will most likely be a long term process, but we may get lucky with this new medicine. I will continue keeping you all updated.

Thank you so much.

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