Bumblefoot stress, worms or something contagious?


May 21, 2023
Los Angeles, CA
Hi all! My EE Ginger is having a rough time. She’s had bumblefoot issues for a couple months, we’ve been wrapping/soaking but there still looks like lingering yellowy bits under the fresh scab.

The last few days she mostly sits around and hasn’t been eating much. Limping slightly, drinking okay. Last night when I went to close up the coop she was on the lowest perch (!) with wings out and panting, which set off alarm bells so we brought her inside and stuck her in the brooder.

She’s not quite a year, stopped laying about 2 weeks ago (didn’t think too much of it since the other girls are slowing down…)
She wasn’t eating much and this morning I noticed funky poops (green/watery) so today I got her to eat a bit of scrambled egg and some moist feed with electrolytes and probiotics. She’s still panting (I can hear it but not like rales or gurgles). She’s also holding both wings out but one wing out more than the other.

Eyes are clear, mouth seems fine (no spots), no mucus in nose.

The last five poops are shown here in order:
Can you post photos of her and her foot?

Is she molting?

She's not laid an egg, if she should be laying, you can give her Calcium Citrate for a few days to see if that helps her expel an egg.

Is her crop emptying overnight?
Didn’t see any, but I’ve not wormed them. They have a raised wood coop with wood chips, an enclosed run with dirt/sand mix, and daily access to a more open (but fenced off from dogs) free range dirt area we call the ‘aviary.’

She was offered some parsley, she ate a little yesterday but I don’t think she ate it today. And if so, not enough to make that green color.

All the other girls seem fine and we haven’t had contact with outside fowl (though we have had a few rats in the yard and I know they can carry stuff).

I don’t have bumblefoot pics but I can get some. It didn’t seem too bad, but it’s been persistent.

Here’s Ginger in the brooder.


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Can you post photos of her and her foot?

Is she molting?

She's not laid an egg, if she should be laying, you can give her Calcium Citrate for a few days to see if that helps her expel an egg.

Is her crop emptying overnight?
I will have to get foot pics tomorrow, she’s all wrapped up again right now. I have calcium pills with D3 but not citrate. I can crush some and put it in the food.

She’s lost some tail feathers but doesn’t look like the molting pics online? We’ve only been chickening for a year so I’m not quite sure.

Feathers seem shiny, but she’s a bit ruffled up, esp her shoulder feathers.

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