
I have a pair of white calls that just got shipped the Drake has severe bumble foot and the hen has the beginnings of it the breeder is claiming it is just calluses we are considering taking it to a vet we have been treating it with Neosporin
Good luck. Sorry about the loss. We live too far away to assist.

If it were my hen, I would recognize a replacement if one were made. However, if he just wants any hen, or another leghorn, that should be possible.

Check craiglist for your area.

Let us know how it works out
Hmm, I couldn't say for sure by the photos. How sad they came like that,...if I understand correctly.

Are they exhibiting other symptoms, or limping, seem to be in pain?

We treated one, also had another we did not treat...both situations healed. The surgery was done by us, not a vet.

Also, we have used some penicillin purchased at a farm store for animals and adjusted for the birds size. I don't know if this is best, but have used this product several times on various illnesses in our birds with some success. Infection, is an issue...of course.

Another earlier post stated a product they used...could work!?...

We used a triple antibiotic ointment on ours, and again..success

The triple antibiotic came out of our people supply of meds, so I had to replace our families triple antibiotic!...

Not sure others believe in doing any of this on your own, but I get resistance from the family in taking them to the vets....So, we try our best and truly love the hens! Well, roosters too!...and ducks, lambs, goats,....

Keep us posted on how the feet situation works out!
We soaked ours in an Epsom salts and Betadine solution every day. After soaking, we cleaned out the foot with hydrogen peroxide and then applied a bandage with neosporin. It was a very messy and chaotic process, especially with our Saxony Ducks. After they were back out in their coop, we sprayed them with veteracin every day until the bumblefoot went away. One of the chickens still has it and has since March, but it seems to never get worse.
I just recently notice some dark spots on some of my hen's feet. I removed two but there was nothing under it, no pus, nothing. Are all dark spots bumblefoot?

I did some "surgery" on a few chickens as they had the big round scabs and were limping. I didn't find any "cheese" or "pebbles" of infection but wrapped the foot with Bacitracin and it healed on the surface very quickly. They seem to be doing okay now. I really cut a big hole in the rooster's foot and he was surprisingly easy to deal with!
Some of ours just had scabs, but they never had to be treated. I don't think that you should worry until the foot starts to swell up and the chicken starts limping. You should still keep it clean and spray the scab area (I would recommend Veteracin spray), but you definitely don't need to do the surgery if there is nothing there to remove.
I'm dealing with this right now too. It's been really wet here and not our normal December in Michigan. I caught my Princess limping yesterday. I examined her and found bumblefoot
. I did my best cleaning it out, and I put a fresh bandage on her everyday after giving her a soak in Epsom salt. She is still limping. How long for it to start healing? And what are some signs that something else needs to be done? I took a pic of her foot today if that would help?
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Good luck. Sorry about the loss. We live too far away to assist.

If it were my hen, I would recognize a replacement if one were made. However, if he just wants any hen, or another leghorn, that should be possible.

Check craiglist for your area.

Let us know how it works out

Sorry for posting in the wrong place earlier. I didn't realize it doing it on my phone through tears. He wouldn't recognize her as he only sees her twice or so a year. He can't tell them apart until I tell him how and his is the only white leghorn I've had (can't stand the flighty things, great egg layers otherwise).

I did find him a bird and he can't tell the difference.
Aww, you sound wonderful! What a great care taker!

She sounds like she is in the best hands!

Hoping and praying for quick healing!

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