Button or Tibetan? *UPDATE- THEY HATCHED!!* *pics coming soon.......* last page..

I candled another one, a Golden, and it had a little red/pink baby quail! same with the other one I was talking about, a Red. Only the red looks more like a baby, with the spider veins and everything :)
Oh good! I usually don't candle until they are 10 days into incubation for two reasons: 1 is that it's so hard to see through the spotted shells and at ten days, fertile eggs just looks dark and non fertile eggs are bright. and 2 - I am kinda of paranoid about disturbing them or opening the bator too much when they are just getting going. Now you know you have some developing, so resist the urge to pick them up and handle them a lot! You will know for sure in another what, I'm guessing 10 days ish? :) Happy for you. What kind of bator are your using?
Hovabator 1602N. I love it :).. most of the time lol

and I know.. I'm a sucker for candling.. But I am very careful about the temps and the eggs cooling down when I candle. Thats why I like this one light I bought online, it gets really warm and the eggs don't cool down :) but its not that bright..
out of 16, 7 were fertile, 6 piped, 4 made it to hatch (1 died I don't know why?? the other didn't absorb yolk and the yolk was green >:p), and 3 are left (1 of them choked on something
) They are sooo cute but they all look alike

pics coming soon...

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