Button quail care, help please !

If making a bigger cage where you can approach him from the side is possible, that would probably be best. I just built my first dedicated button cage too. Measuring 70 cm x 80 cm at the bottom and 60 cm i height, it is covered with tulle(I think it is called - fabric with holes in it) and then a sheet of wood about 10 cm above the tulle.
It is supposed to contain a breeding pair of buttons in the future, but right now it contains 4 6 week old male chicks I just took away from their parents. For inspiration:

And then a picture of one of the inhabitants:
My Crota looks the same as your chic :) and yeah I'm planning in building something like that, just have to get the materials. Thank you for the inspiration :)
My original button quail set up was a 1 1/2 foot tall and deep by 2 ft bird cage and I had 4 buttons in there, a roo and three hens . it had little platforms on each side to give them more floor space and the little wooden houses they sell for things like mice and hamsters. And lots of juniper branches to make curtains to provide cover. I only have two in there now but they seem to like it the hen is sitting on eggs now, I am setting up a couple more for some babies I hatched once I know gender. I also have two bird cages that can be divided to house two pairs each once their current residents move outside and I can scrub them and sanitize them . ramps and platforms and fake plants are your friends in making button quail Happy Lol. And mealworms don't forget mealworms.... and crickets my male will wait patiently for me to put them in the bowl so he can show his girl how awesome he is.
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Oh yes he loves mealworms, he'll do anything to get to them :p first time I'm hearing about crickets, gotta check that out for myself thank you :)
I occasionally get tiny ones when I buy them for my Geckos. I think the little ones are called pinheads? We have also fed them grass and clover, watermelon and strawberries and blackberries . I have a blueface male and a wild colored female.
Their offspring are three blueface, one golden pearl and a wild colored. I just moved them into their cage today


They seem to be so far, They love hiding in the blue thing it was part of a crittertrail we had sitting around. They play look-out on top of it as well.
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I just got my button quail 3 days ago, I have him in an aquarium covered with cloth so he does not jump. He has water, food, and hiding places inside (still need to sort out a sandbox). He managed to jump out of there this morning after I had a nearly sleepless night because of his attempts to jump inside it. He does not do it day time and I covered his cage already for the night as I read they might be attracted to the steer light outside. It's happening less tonight but he still jumps sometimes. Is he just unhappy ? And also he's very scared of me and I'm not sure how to get him to get used to me, how long does it usually take for a button quail to let itself be touched at least. Please help I adore him but don't understand his behaviour much, do I just need to give him more time ?

Button Quail are very skittish and jumpy. The only reason he is trying to get out is because he wants to free roam(not a good idea). Try to make a small outdoor pen for him so he can enjoy the outside too! To tell you the truth button quail are probably my least favorite quail breed, just because it's like impossible to tame them. You would have better luck taming a coturnix quail

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