Buy It Now, 12 + EE, OE, and Pure Wheaten Ameraucana


9 Years
Jun 19, 2010
I can send 2 orders a week as long as the temps stay nice enough to ship. My girls are laying well and I have lots of blue, green and olive eggs that would like to become chicks. My pure Wheaten Ameraucana are starting to lay, and they will be included in the mix until they are laying enough to do their own auction.
The Roo's in the layer pen include a black Ameraucana, both Blue Copper and Black Copper Marans, and a beautiful Gold Duck Wing EE. The eggs for this mix will come from my EE's, OE's and pure Blue, Black and Lavender Ameraucana that are in my layer flock, as well as from my pen of pure Wheaten Ameraucana. I have included photos of the eggs in 3 different types of light, natural out side, and inside both with and without flash. The light eggs are blue, not white. Eggs will be no more than 2 days old when shipped.


Please send me a PM to buy.
payment can be sent PayPal at [email protected]

As always, I will not guarantee your hatch rate due to unknown Postal handling, or your method of incubation. The eggs will be carefully wrapped and packed in a manner to protect them as well as possible.
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