Buy or rent?


5 Years
Jun 23, 2016
New Jersey
My mother says that eventually, I will get bored of the chickens (Golden Comet), or taking care of them will become a bore and a chore. I was going to purchase from but you can also rent. Do you guys think I should rent or buy?

Honestly I wouldn't get your birds from them unless you do decide to rent, which would be pretty silly because looking at the pricing they will charge you $220 just to have two chickens for four weeks and then $165 for every four weeks after that. What if you fall in love with them and want to keep them?

Personally I'd just buy chickens. The idea of renting them seems silly to me. If you do get sick of them it's easy enough to sell them and your coop and get some of your money back - can't do that with renting.

If you do buy don't buy from that place. Those coops are tiny to be paying $600 for. You can get a much nicer one for that price from a place like GardenTime, or better yet build one yourself and save a ton of money.
My mother says that eventually, I will get bored of the chickens (Golden Comet), or taking care of them will become a bore and a chore. I was going to purchase from but you can also rent. Do you guys think I should rent or buy?
I did not even know that you could rent chickens, but as
@Pyxis said you can easily fall in love with them plus renting is very inconvenient for price and just having chickens that aren't yours. If you are able to maybe your mom will let you rent for a month see if you like it and if you don't then you do not have to worry about having chickens that you can not get rid of unless you give them away. All the best of luck to you!
What has been your history in the past regarding new hobbies/pets? Are you the type of person who moves from one interest/hobby to an other, or do your interests stay pretty static? Do you have the time to invest in their daily care? Do you see yourself trudging out to the coop several times/day in the middle of the winter to tend your birds? Do you have the funds available to take care of their daily needs (feed and bedding). Do you have the resources available to make a coop and run, or purchase a coop that will actually be big enough to meet your long term needs? IMO, the cute little starter doll house style coops are a huge waste of money, and won't stand up to winter weather needs, unless you live where it doesn't snow. If you are not willing to deal with winter needs, then rent. If you think you can take care of them year round, and if you have the space, and the money available, then you should get the coop first, then get your chicks/chickens. Plan on a minimum of 4 s.f. in the coop, 10 s.f. in the run for them. Bigger is better. It will help make care easier and cut down on behavioral problems.
I don't think I would just casually get an animal without some level of research and dedication, but chickens are definitely one of the easier "pets" to give away/sell if they don't work out. It's not like the world is overpopulated by chickens without homes!

Just remember that it is not necessarily cheap to get started in chickens. Hitches and coops can still be a bit pricey, plus the cost of the chickens themselves.

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