Buying a FoodSaver, need help!

I just bought the V3420 at Wal Mart and love it! It was a little over $100, but it includes the hose that works with the dishes, canisters, and marinade dish.
Just went and looked at mine - it's the 1200 which they probably don't even make anymore. Here's a pic; please pardon the dirt - it's well-used:


Yes, mine doesn't have any fancy stuff; I store my rolls in the utility drawer and the box in a cupboard. I use scissors to cut the rolls. DBF's is handy because like someone else posted, you just push the button and it starts. I have to hold mine down until it really starts to go. Either way, it really doesn't matter - it's personal preference.

I'm only on my second one - they last for several years if not more depending on how much you use them.
I bought an older model- V2222. It's black. Got it at Walmart. I really like it. I butchered 17 roosters this last week and it sucked them all in.

I think I paid 59 for mine. It had a hose thingy for the cannisters too- don't think I will use that feature, but you never know. It was not the cheapest or the most expensive and I am happy with it.

Also, I found that buying the roll of bag is better than the individual bags. You can make the roll of bags any size you want. works really well.

I ended up using it more than I thought I would. I have started buying hamburger in bulk and freezing in 1lb bags. I made chicken soup and froze three smaller bags- can be heated up for a quick dinner or lunch, and then we don't get sick of leftovers.

I never thought I woul d use one, need one, but since processing chickens, I am so thankful I have it.

Good Luck
I only have to hold it closed until it really gets going. The first model I had, I had to hold it down the whole time. THAT was irritating.

Just to give you an idea, here's what I did with mine today. Mom, DD and I went to Sam's Club and I really stocked up because I hate to shop:

DD wanted chicken sausages w/ spinach & cheese. Came in a package of 15. I Foodsaved 2 per bag (except 3 in the last one).

Package of round steaks - packaged one steak per bag (DD likes to cook but hates leftovers). This way she can make an easy meal for herself.

Over 6 lbs of ground beef: packaged in 4 - 1.5 lb individual bags.

Chicken drumsticks: packaged 4 per bag.

Brown sugar: HUGE bag - re-packaged into 4 smaller bags so I can use it before it gets hard as a rock. 1 went into the cupboard; 3 into the freezer.

American cheese (a big 5 lb box of slices with no plastic): Packed in a ton of smaller portions. These will keep in the fridge for at least 6 months if not longer without getting hard crusty edges.

You get the picture - and it will keep in the freezer for a very long time with no freezer burn. The possibilities are endless.

Edited to add: it works GREAT for marinading food quickly because it pulls the liquid right into the meat. The marinade container works great too. DBF has it and uses it all the time. Mine didn't come with one but I wish it had.
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GEE Thanks !!! Now I gotta have one!!!!!

Last Month it was the Kitchenaid mixer, I went right out and bought one to make Gump's Girls bread, I love that thing.
Now you guys got me wanting a rowena iron and a foodsaver.
What's next?
Wow - I just checked the website and they've really changed! Guess it depends on how much you want to spend, but I think the one for $99.99 would be a good basic model. I like the fact that it says it has the 2 sealing levels for moist or dry foods. Sealing bags of liquid or meats with alot of liquid is a definite challenge because if it sucks up liquid, then the bag won't seal. If I'm doing soup, stew or something similar, I pre-freeze it first. With meats, I fold a paper towel over the meat so as it sucks, the towel absorbs the juices before it hits the seal. I didn't see the exact model that DBF has, but his folds for storage like the more expensive ones, only maybe they improved on that and they don't unfold anymore; not sure, but the roll of bags is stored in that bigger section in the back. That's pretty handy too. Just depends on what you want to spend, but I'd say to get the best one you can afford and you won't be sorry.

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