Buying a FoodSaver, need help!

Oh, I should have said...try a search for 'food slicer' on google. There are lots of nice models for home use that run $75-100.
Just updating this thread to say,

HOLY GUACAMOLE, I LOVE THIS THING!!! Thanks for the nudge, everyone. This has to be one of the best investments I've ever made. Yay!
I got one to for my BDay, which is next month. I LOVE IT!!! I love sucking all the air out of them baggies and the hands free is great!! How did I ever survive with that suction pump
I am cooking up some of the lovely grassfed beef and pork I got from the co-op, to freeze it for fast meals. Previously, that meat would've spoiled because I thawed it out and then didn't have time to make a meal of it.
I had a huge ham for easter and after our consumption of it I was able to foodsave enough for 3 more meals and put it in the freezer. If I had used regular store freezer bags I would've had freezer burn by now. I'm gonna have sooo much fun with corn on the cob this summer
Now if I can only get someone else to clean it for me

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