Buying Quality Turkey Hatching Eggs


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 3, 2012
I have heard so much that turkeys and chickens from hatcheries just are not of as good quality. I want to raise bourbon red turkeys but would like to start with quality. How do I know that I am buying quality eggs from someone. Not just eggs from hatchery turkeys??? Any advice??
Yes, PM Either KuntryGirl or Frank53061, They both have very nice Bourbon red turkeys and will brobably be willing to sell you some fertile hatching eggs. They have posted pictures on various threads of their turkeys!
I have some great Bourbon Eggs and poults. Let me know! I would be happy to sell them. They are from exceptional stock. I can send a photo or video.
You are welcome, Frank, you have some GORGEOUS Turkeys.
Anyone would love to buy some of your exceptional turkey's offspring!
It would be wise for anyone to wait til spring to buy eggs or poults, as turkeys are not easy to brood and can flip at the slightest chill!
They would be inside the mudroom...inside the attached gar rage. Do you still think this would be risky? I have heard that turkeys are a little harder to get past the first weeks than chickens. We certainly don't want anything to happen to them. I would just like to get them started because sometimes only 2 out of 7 hatch. So it may take me a couple months to get 10 poults. Advice??
They would be inside the mudroom...inside the attached gar rage. Do you still think this would be risky? I have heard that turkeys are a little harder to get past the first weeks than chickens. We certainly don't want anything to happen to them. I would just like to get them started because sometimes only 2 out of 7 hatch. So it may take me a couple months to get 10 poults. Advice??
In My Opinion, and this is only my opinion, Turkeys are harder to get past the first 8 weeks than any chicken, I have ever raised, but after that the Heritage breeds are very easy to raise. They just can't take the chilly weather or any dampness or breezy condition.
Hello! I know this threat is inactive and I'm new to BYC community (*waves*) but I wanted to jump in. I will be looking for heritage (preferably Bourbon Red) turkey eggs shortly. Anyone still selling them? Or know of good places online to buy?

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