BYC Member Interviews - twisted-acres-farm

Cool beans, Twist!
Great interview Twist. You amaze me Always so busy but have time for your friends that was like reading a good book.
Very nice!
Do you have a yurt? you need a yurt for the yaks.
Young yaks yurt club.
For the yackety yaks.
The more subdued yaks might not be interested.

YURT!!! yes twist needs a yurt!!! or three!!

Scott, so awesome to hear a bit more about you!! Thank you for taking the time to share with us! I cannot believe the word FUDGE is not written in that anywhere? Did I miss it perhaps?
Sorry !!!! some how I misses the Yurt comment the first time. NO at the moment I do not have a yurt partially as I haven't had the yaks long enough to have gathered any hair with which to make the felt. As to the fudge partially as I forgot and partially because the shipping of said treats is killing me already
. And I truly hate turning down requests although I am getting quite good at missing the gentle hints and the not so gentle one's (sometimes even accidently on purpose)

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