BYC members in Massachusetts?

Found an old rabbit hutch on freecycle, gave it a little makeover, and will be using it as a brooder for the chickies coming home next week :)

Yeah, the thunder started a while after. It eventually came back on a few hours later (could have been sooner but i assumed it was still off and laid there for hours, didn't test it till later). We had a ton of wind which is why ours went out i think
I'm a good driver, so no Masshole here ;) but hello nonetheless.

My flock: 5 Buff Orpingtons, 5 Black Australorps, 1 Cochin and my rooster is a Rhode Island Red Cross
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Our hen Princess got caught between our neighbor's rooster Sam & our rooster Bo. Sam hit it & quit it & then Bo did right after to reassert his dominance. Her comb started bleeding so I brought her inside to let it clot then we're going to spray the area with Wound-Kote Blue Lotion & put her in the coop when we close it up tonight.
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