BYC members in Massachusetts?

I'm also from the south shore! Duxbury. And like someone said, I'm also hoping to order from Murray McMurray in April. But if anyone has chickens locally that'd be good too maybe
Hi There from Wilmington, MA! Im a newbie and will be getting a coop and chickens this weekend. 2 br,2rsl,2rir,3ee all born last Spring. We were going to order chicks but due to a move we will be adopting these ladies. So excited!!
Hey fellow chicken lovers from MA! Just wondering- if we were to hatch chickens would anybody be interested in buying chicks? It would be easier to find someone in MA because shipping's a hassle and we don't hatch that many chicks. Thx :)
I have 6 being mailed April 7th but am not getting my hopes up. Sounds like I have to expect some losses with day olds.

My new brooder is built. Waiting for my 12x12 heat plate.
Another "newegg" here!
I love this website and look forward to meeting new friends and maybe reconnecting with old ones.
We are in Acushnet Ma, near New Bedford. It is a great town and very chicken friendly!
Alexander Magnuson
Twin Cedar Farm

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