BYC members in Massachusetts?

I live in Brockton on the Holbrook side and find it very reasonable. You can find single family houses for sale under 150k. The commuter train is less tan a mile making commuting to Boston simple. You can only have hens though. No roosters :(
Hi -

I've been researching Guineas for tick control and want to get some to help out around our yard in Central Mass. Does anyone on here raise them or know where I might get some?

We have a pretty big yard in front of a large wooded area/park. I want to let them free range but try to keep them close to the yard/house primarily.


Hey, I don't have guinea's but I figured I would tell you that I free range my chickens and they dont go near the road, they always stay a good 4 or 5 feet away. only sometimes during the summer when they have pecked around everywhere else they go a little close but them a car will pass by and freak them out and they run away but then eventually they go back up, but they have NEVER gone in the road. Finally, if you do end up free ranging your guineas then be prepared for many people coming to your door asking if you know that your guineas are in the front yard!
hope this helped,
Buttercupp Farm
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We are here in North Easton, Massachusetts with our flock of 17 different rare/heritage breeds. Anyone else nearby?

Does anyone know of those with an interest in Sultans in the New England area? We hatched out five cockerels in the fall and I am looking to rehome them.
Hi! We're from Kingston. Just got 6 chicks last week and we are in the process of building their run. We are hoping to get a few bantams soon, but don't want to run the risk of getting cockerels as we live in a neighborhood and don't want to disturb the neighbors. We're new to chickens and are wondering if it's possible to sex bantams? Also, does anyone know if there is anyone local who would be willing to sell us 2-3? Obviously state law requires a purchase of 6 in stores, but we already have 6 at home and just want a couple more. I hope this makes sense and thank you in advance!
We are here in Easton, MA. We've been backyard farmers for only a year but our rare heritage breed large fowl and bantam flock has already grown to 34 birds!! We joined this site about a year ago. It is great! There is no question that you can ask that someone won't have an answer to. Let me know if we can be of any help.

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