BYC members in Massachusetts?

i'm in North Andover and have been lurking on BYC for years. After alot of moving etc, have finally found a home where chickens are allowed. Have 6 Aracuanas (sp?)coming from Clarks Farm in CT...someday ...soon ( lol) and just hatched out (difficult hatch testerday
, headache today) 2 of the 3 muscovy ducks that were incubating. The third is a week behind because he didn't make it into the 3 egg incubator until we figured out a week later egg number 4 wasn't developing. Hopefully he/she will benefit from what its siblings taught me. They were stuck and had to be helped but navels look ok and they are feisty and adorable so far! Crossing my fingers for them! I'm actually surprised they hatched at all- tried some 10 years ago and not one made it to hatch. Hoping there are some nice local poultry people here as the family tolerates...but just doesn't understand. Trying to create a subsistence garden too, compost good dirt, eventually grow food for us all but again, they tolerate but don't understand. Theres a little pressure about 'ugly' compost heaps and such. We're all older, 50- 60's and with food getting more and more expensive I think it just makes sense.
Ok long intro, sorry. Hi everybody! :) leslie (iluvrats)
I am in North Andover too! Just started this whole adventure in April with 4- day olds that are now 9 weeks old! Check out the North Andover Backyard Chicken group @!
Hi everyone!
I'm in RI, but just over the border from SE MA. Even got my chicks in Rochester, MA! 4 cuties, about 8 weeks old. A RI Red, Barred Rock, Gold-laced Wyandotte, and a black Australorp. We may be going back to pick up one of the Buff Orpingtons my husband had his eye on... and he said he didn't get what chicken math was!

Western Mass, reporting in!

Took us years before we could live in a place where we were able to have chickens. The day we got our first box of tiny baby chicks, was like Disneyland!

And the growing food part....yeah, my family (outside of my immediate family) just doesn't understand my obsession with wanting to grow my own, more-natural, food. For us, we are getting healthier food for cheaper! And it is a great learning experience for the kids to see where their food comes from, and not to mention, for myself as well. (We did our first meat chickens a few weeks back and I never realized just how far removed from "where my meat comes from" I was. Been a vegetarian for a few weeks now!

It does take up a lot of time...almost a full time job...or a solid part time one, anyway. And I always get the "eye roll" when I can't make a family event; "Where is Ida?" "Oh, she's at home, gardening again. *sigh*)"

Anyway, hoping my mom and siblings and aunts and uncles come around once we start doling out fresh veges (that is, if I can win the raging battle against every single kind of pest in existence, currently going on in the garden!) Everybody already loves the fresh eggs!

Good luck with your homesteading! As you already know, this site is GREAT for all types of info on, not just chickens, but like, almost anything! We have ducks too, and the members here have been such a wonderful help to a duck (and chicken) novice such as myself. I swear, I have some sort of dramatic duck or chicken emergency almost twice a month!

See you around!

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I've been holding onto 3 black sex linked chicks for someone and now the decided they don't have room for them.
They are 9 weeks old.

Two females and one roo.

Please let me know if you are interested in them. I don't mind just selling off the pullets.
I can give you at least a weeks supply of grower crumble.

I hatched them out at my home
They have been housed separate from my existing flock which is tested by the state.

I need to re-home them asap.
I am located in Carlisle Ma.
Hi everyone!
I'm in RI, but just over the border from SE MA. Even got my chicks in Rochester, MA! 4 cuties, about 8 weeks old. A RI Red, Barred Rock, Gold-laced Wyandotte, and a black Australorp. We may be going back to pick up one of the Buff Orpingtons my husband had his eye on... and he said he didn't get what chicken math was!
Welcome to BYC, amltroia

Oh...get the Buff if you can. We have some and they are sweethearts (all my hens, anyway!) Definitely our most friendly chickens. (Although, plenty of other types of sweet natured chickens out there!)

We also have some Barred rocks, too. Great starter chickens...also friendly and POWER layers! Mine went right through the winter! I was hoping they would take a small break to rest up a bit..but nope.

Anyhow...enjoy your chickens! They are so much fun and really help brighten up the homestead.

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Hello! I'm in Chelmsford and have 2 BOs and an EE, all about 10 weeks. I am very new to chickens and have been avidly reading on this site and learning as I go. Glad to see so many fellow chicken keepers in Mass.

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