BYC members in Massachusetts?

We have a town ordinance that limits us to 6 chickens, no roosters.  I want to have 4 chickens because it would be a good start, an easy initiation into this crazy world!

4 definitely seems like a good number to start with :)

We kind of leaped into it with 9, now 8, haha

Better than the 10-15 I used to think I wanted though :p

I think you'll be happy with 4.

I don't have Rhode Island Reds but do have 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Easter Eggers and LOVE them. The BA's used to be a little mean but have settled down some. The Barred Rock and one EE in particular are extremely personable and always come up to me to chat. Can't pick em up but they're friendly. One EE wants to be friendly but is real skittish and shy. The Buff Orpingtons let me hold them and everything. You will love them!
Oh and we are a right to farm community and on almost 3 acres so can have whatever we want but chose not to get roosters due to really close neighbors in the back plus the fact I don't want to be woken up lol
My wife has FINALLY allowed me to get chickens! I live in Randolph and love all things eggs, in all ways. a close neighbor has had a few chickens for a while and has on occasion shared some eggs and they are incredible. the design and creation of the coop has begun, it will be 15 inches off the ground, and will be 3x3 feet. it will have a sloping roof, and be 4 feet high on one side, 3 feet on the other. One entire side of the coop will swing open for cleaning and egg harvesting. Our backyard is completely fenced in with 7 foot walls, so they will most likely be walking around all day in the yard.

We are looking to get only 4 chickens at this point, and were thinking about getting different kinds of chickens- 2 Rhode Island reds, 1 buff orpington and 1 Plymouth Rock.

looking forward to starting this process and having some fun! also, does anyone know where I could get some chickens without going online?

Welcome to the group! Sounds like a great setup. We just got 2 barred rock, 2 silkies, 2 RIreds (from TSC) but have seen them lots of places, including local farms (Sweet Meadow in Sherborn, Farm Store in Orleans). Send pics when you get them!

Black Australorp that came yesterday, kids think we might have gotten a baby penguin by accident :) Also got a Roade Island red, Welsummer and a Golden Buff sex link.
Thank you for this! I'm almost certain one of our 5-week barred rock chicks is a dude.
Me too! I think I have at least one EE roo
No problem!! And I say give them a chance becausw you never know. Of course 5 weeks is older to know but I thought for sure one of my Barred Rocks and one of my Easter Eggers was a roo. Well, one Barred Rock died so I'll never know for her but the other turned out to be a girl. Same for the EEs. The BR had a huge comb compared to her sisters but that's just the breed I think. So it's not necessarily an indicator of a rooster. One of my EEs and later the other one were extremely feisty. Constantly climbing up on top of MHP and/or yelling up there. One time I held him... er.. her. :p and she screamed for several minutes straigh, i know cause i filmed it. The others didn't like being held but were quiet. Just so LOUD. And feisty. Tall standing. Upright by a few weeks. Confident. All signs of roosters. All were pullets. You can't really tell until like 15 weeks or until they start laying or crowing :p but at least now if they turn out to be roos you have a place for them to go :)
FYI - was just at my local tractor supply store… They got a shipment of chicks in that was unexpected… So they have lots!
-barred rocks
-buff Orpington
-black Australorp
-Cornish rock
-red broiler
-Asia black
-lots of bantams

they also got in a shipment of khaki Campbell ducklings… That was not supposed to arrive… So they are lowering their minimum order to six ducklings per person…
TSC in Millbury, MA
Wow thats a lot! Mine just has RIR, bantams, Cornish rock, and isa brown. They just got buff Orpington this week. I would have loved if they had barred rocks lol

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