BYC members in Massachusetts?

Now that we are having some winter weather, it has me there ever a time that you don't let the chickens out of the coop? Is there weather that causes you to keep the door closed? What weather (if anything) would cause you to bring them into a safer, warmer place?
My coop has no electricity, and everything seems to be going well ~ so far. I know it's just the very beginning of the season. This is our first winter with them, and I don't know what ~ if anything ~ is too much for them! My friend is in South Dakota, and they are having -20 wind chill temps this week. She says she brought hers in to an unheated part of the house/garage, so they won't get warm, but they will be out of the worst of the extreme cold.

My first winter too. I have run a cord out for a heated dog bowl in the run. We wrapped the run in clear tarp securely so they don't get wind and the run is dry and they have been fine. It does get good sun during the day. I open the run everyday to let them peek or come out and free range except when it's a storm. I've had a tiny pit of frost bite on a couple combs, but otherwise fine. I've read about folks in Alaska that don't provide any heat for their coop.
In case anyone is looking, the Agway store in Waltham has laying pullets( mostly golden comets and a few black sex link) plus some older chicks (not day olds) is your looking to restock or add to your flock and not wanting day olds. I got 3 from Dan last fall and they are awesome.
This is my first year so I'm a newbie. Does TSC tend to carry specific breeds like RI Reds/Barred Rock? And are they sexed? I'm in Southern MA and am looking for 6 or 7 chicks. How much are they usually? Thanks
@Mom2Sav not sure about TSC. I think they are not always good at identifying chicks so you could think you are getting and certain breed and end up with something totally different. I'm new too but from what I understand sexing is not 100%. I ordered my chicks from Meyers and they are arriving 3/14. Still not 100% I'll get exactly what I wanted but the chances are better than if I went to TSC I think. But if you are not dead set on certain breeds lots of people get their chicks from them or another feed store. Good luck!
This is my first year so I'm a newbie. Does TSC tend to carry specific breeds like RI Reds/Barred Rock? And are they sexed? I'm in Southern MA and am looking for 6 or 7 chicks. How much are they usually? Thanks

Hi Mom2Sav! I am new to chickens too and have to agree with Merrymouse, actually didnt even know TSC had chicks! If you are near eastern MA (Hanson or Norwell), I got my chicks here: or

They get the chicks from a hatchery that vaccinates them for Merek's and state they have a 90% accuracy for female chicks. They had a 4 chick minimum and had these breeds last year:

Here is the order sheet with pricing:

We thought we only wanted 2 for eggs for 2 people..... heard that its not uncommon for one to die, and not uncommon for one to be a rooster. We ended up ordering 5 and one turned out to be a roo. We are so happy with 4. Good luck and keep us posted!
There are numerous quality breeders in the Northeast that offer very healthy stock from quality parent stock that is well cared for. I understand that ppl want pullets but if you do some research on what is done in the hatchery industry you may reevaluate your perspective not preaching it's just worth doing the research. The reason that numerous chicks die is because they come from unhealthy parent stock in a factory type setting. Often times you can find auto sexing or sex linked breeds that can offer you pullets using humane practices!
Hi Aimee,

Welcome! Where are you located? What breeds are in your flock?

No flock yet. We've just ordered the chicks, 2 each of speckled sussex, buff orpington, salmon faverolle, and buff brahma, which should be in mid-April.

Can't wait!

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