BYC members in Massachusetts?

Could be a predator or could just be the time of year. I can see it starting to get light by 4:45 and birds can see ultraviolet light better than me. I know the robins, cardinals and turkeys are in full swing by at least 4:30. Probably earlier by now.
Could be a predator or could just be the time of year. I can see it starting to get light by 4:45 and birds can see ultraviolet light better than me. I know the robins, cardinals and turkeys are in full swing by at least 4:30. Probably earlier by now.

No, he has only been doing this for a couple of weeks. This morning he crowed at 4:40. It's either one of the neighbors making noise or a critter. I did some looking online yesterday and the holes in the yard, what I thought were made by squirrels are more likely from a skunk. The holes match the description of those made by skunks rooting. I don't hear any noise that sounds like something trying to get into the coop. And the skunks are nocturnal. I've been spending more time with the chickens lately and have noticed that he crows when he sees a person walking down the street, birds flying by and cars. He has the heart of a good watchdog and crows / barks at just about anything. LOL!
Hi Everyone,
I need to downsize my flock. I have three Easter eggers (8 months old) and an older golden-laced Wyandotte. The GLW I’ve had for almost two years and she came to me as a rescue. The Easter eggers are getting bullied and the GLW is harassing one of my silkies. These four girls get along nicely and are free to a good home that will take all four. I’m in Concord and can meet someone closer. Thanks!
Hi Everyone,
I need to downsize my flock. I have three Easter eggers (8 months old) and an older golden-laced Wyandotte. The GLW I’ve had for almost two years and she came to me as a rescue. The Easter eggers are getting bullied and the GLW is harassing one of my silkies. These four girls get along nicely and are free to a good home that will take all four. I’m in Concord and can meet someone closer. Thanks!

I think Concord is really far from me or Gina. Also not certain how to introduce flocks with my current set up (have one idea...) Keep me in mind though, I'd sure enjoy them!
Interested in duck eggs or chicken only?
You can PM me details regarding testing :)

I have sworn off ducks, so chickens only. Ducks are too addictive (aducktive?) for me. I don't know a lot of details at this point about testing, only that it's around $4/bird to do the ms/mg testing part here if I remember correctly. Where we came from it was over $300 just to be normal npip, so big surprise, very few breeders of any scale did it at all. There was no ms/mg testing at all unless you got very pushy and paid substantially more. State we moved from did not like agriculture at all, but I may do testing here later after the birds are grown and we are properly settled in after our move. I've got the chance now, I'd love to keep a ms/mg monitored flock.

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