BYC members in Massachusetts?

Glad to see that there are so many of us in MA! I'm actually in Barre, MA.

leitha2006 wrote:
HI! I'm new to the board. We live in Worcester county. I was wondering if anyone knew where I could buy a coop for a good price.

If you don't find anything you like at Klem's....the Hardwick Farmer's Co-Op has a couple of really nice coops. Still a little on the expensive side for me.

I'm currently very of my latest babies (a 14 week old Buff Orpington) is not well. Trying to nurse her back to health.

To answer an earlier post....I haven't had the best of luck with my two Rhode Island Reds. They are EGGCELLENT (
) layers, but are quite mean compared the rest of the flock.​
I'm in MA too on the NH border. This is our first time with chickens. We were hoping for some eggs but ended up with 3 roos and 1 bantam hen! LOL!

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