BYC members in Massachusetts?

Never know till you try!


Absolutely! You gotta start somewhere, lol!
The fertility is awesome with these. I had 6 out of 6 ss eggs hatch under a broody, and I have 6 more in the incubator and 5 are developing, one is clear.
These are not hatchery stock either, my original stock came from a breeder in GA.

I don't have an incubater yet and the one I was going to borrow from a friend is currently hatching ducks!
This came across my desk today. If you've ever taken your pet dog to an obedience class, dog park or to any kind of dog show, you may want to contact your state legislators and politely ask them to reconsider on the following idea. Dog shows and/or agility/obedience trials are typically put on by non-profit, small clubs. Lots of times there is no charge to spectators:

July 11, 2011

A Massachusetts legislative committee is scheduled to consider House Bill 1023 on July 19 – a bill that would significantly change the definition of kennel to encompass training facilities or any dog event with more than 12 dogs. All those meeting the new criteria would be required to comply with all state and local licensing and other regulations currently reserved just for large kennels.

This would mean that any daytime activity where more than twelve dogs are present (including dog shows, training facilities, companion events, etc.) would now be considered a kennel and required to comply with all state and local kennel licensing and regulations. Read AKC’s previous Legislative Alert for more information on House Bill 1023, including AKC’s letter to the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure.

It is essential that the committee members hear from responsible dog owners, exhibitors, trainers, and breeders who either reside in the Commonwealth or participate in Massachusetts dog events:

Attend the committee hearing on July 19. The meeting information is as follows:
Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure

Date: July 19, 2011

Time: 1:00 p.m.

Location: Massachusetts State House, Room A-2

**If you plan to attend, please contact the Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners so they can know how many plan to testify and can provide you with any last-minute information:

Virginia Rowland – [email protected] or

Julie Rembrandt Seeley – [email protected]

Contact the committee members and express your concerns with House Bill 1023. View the committee member names and contact information here.
View a sample letter to personalize

View a sample phone script

The AKC will continue to closely monitor this legislation. For questions or more information, contact the Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs & Responsible Dog Owners at the e-mail addresses listed above, or the AKC Government Relations Department at (919) 816-3720 or [email protected].​
In case anyone is looking for a convert-to-chicken-coop DIY project, I found a Craigslist ad today for a doghouse in Rutland. It is already beautiful and would only need very small modifications to become a chicken coop!! Would definitely need a closeable door and altered interior...but it's a start for someone looking for a small coop from scratch!

It's $100 and seems to be in pretty good condition...
Hello everyone! I am new to the group and I was wondering if anyone could tell me anywhere in Central ma to get a couple of hens? I currently have 13 chicks ranging in age from 3 weeks to 8 weeks but I would like to get a few older ladies to add to the family. Also looking to rehome 3 roosters if anyone is interested.
Anyone have call ducks? My daughter wants some. I was getting some apricott hatching eggs, but the lady's ducks were gotten by a fox.

Maybe someone nearby has some for sale?
Just found this thread. I'm in Central MA.
I'm recovering from a predator attack that killed my awesome broody and my five chicks. Three were hatched in my homemade incubator and two were under the broody. I'm down to one layer, everyone else is either too young, too old, a roo, or on strike.
I haven't been able to trap anything except a baby skunk, which, by the way, spray just as much as an adult.
I'm headed up to NH friday to buy more chicks that are from the same stock as my broody, and I have more eggs in the incubator.

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