BYC members in Massachusetts?

Wow, Arielle - you're a better woman than I - my "helping" DH with constructing the coop is holding things steady, handing out nails, deconstructing pallets when necesssary, and design ideas. I tried hammering . . . no go - maybe because of the kind of wood we're using (fir). Maybe I'll be more help when some of the lighter work has to be done! I know I can paint, and maybe lay down whatever we end up using for flooring (peel & stick vinyl tiles, I think?).

Thanks for the offer of a few of your hens - what general area are you in (hope you don't mind me asking)? I may take you up on that . . . let's see how quick we can get the silly coop done! I'll let you know . . .

Now if it would only cool off for a few days - we could get all kinds of stuff done!

Thanks again for your help/encouragement/advice!

Northeastern Avricultural Society (NAS) meets the first sun of every month except for July and August(too hot).If the 1st sun is a hoilday,they will meet the 2nd sun.It's at the Westford Sportsmens Club on west St.starts at 8;00.The next meeting is Sept,is their website.
In N.H.,Tony.
Due to a sad sudden death, we're now down to two hens (from 3). I'm a little worried that just the two of them huddled together might not give them enough body heat over the winter. Shall I try and get another third? They should be fine during the day - their coop will be in our sunny and sheltered patio. But at night it can get cold around here! What do you think?
Hi everyone I'm in Rockland Ma. I have 16 chickens 13 of which are just about ready to start laying. I am wondering if anyone hear in Ma. feeds soy free feed and if so where can you get it? I never realized soy was an issue until someone asked me if I fed my chickens soy products and that they eggs would have soy and that was not a good very thing for us to be eating.
Hi everyone I'm in Rockland Ma. I have 16 chickens 13 of which are just about ready to start laying. I am wondering if anyone hear in Ma. feeds soy free feed and if so where can you get it? I never realized soy was an issue until someone asked me if I fed my chickens soy products and that they eggs would have soy and that was not a good very thing for us to be eating.
Welcome to BYC!!

THe soy issue is a mater of opinion. Do your own research and do what feels right for you. Corn combined with Soybean has been a very good combination for making a complete protein. THis is a very complicated issue.

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