BYC Poo Page - Warning, Pictures

It tends to come in outbreaks...normally in the Spring due to black flies and biting has been reported in North America but does not appear to be a common disease...

Can affect many birds...turkeys, waterfowl, chickens...
Current treatment so far for five pound hen:

Five days worming with Safeguard at 18mg/kg (0.4ml)
Five days Corid at ~20mg/kg

Third fecal shows no coccidia, but still some capillary worms.

Forgot to mention that the Safeguard and Corid have already been given, along with a short course of Baytril and hen is hen is still on metronidazole.


This has been going on for months. Have used safeguard, corid, and tylan. Hen was going though molt at the same time and was losing weight, almost 30%. Feathers are back, weight is going up but poop is still soft. The top two pictures are the most recent, the bottom three are from before the corid and tylan.
@11mini , when you gave the Safeguard, did you give 0.23ml per pound for five days or did you give just one dose?

@11mini , when you gave the Safeguard, did you give 0.23ml per pound for five days or did you give just one dose?

Yes I did 5 days but I don't think I was using enough only .6-.7ml She was below 4lbs at that point. That was 8 weeks ago. She is back up to 4.5lbs now. I was going to do 1ml for 5 more days.

This is what I see every day in the poop tray. Normal poop from 2 birds, wet pile under the third one.
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