BYC Poo Page - Warning, Pictures

Quote: I don't know if it's lining or not, but what I do know that it's not normal.

To add the arrow I open the picture in the Window's "Paint", select the line tool, draw arrow and save file.

Does anyone know the cause of this? (Straw was stuck to hen's foot, it wasn't passed out.)

Bird is a 6 year-old Silkie hen who is wobbling around and standing like a penguin. I'm leaning toward peritonitis, but she doesn't seem to have any inflammation in the abdomen like my other peritonitis patients had.
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Does anyone know the cause of this? (Straw was stuck to hen's foot, it wasn't passed out.)

Bird is a 6 year-old Silkie hen who is wobbling around and standing like a penguin. I'm leaning toward peritonitis, but she doesn't seem to have any inflammation in the abdomen like my other peritonitis patients had.

6 years old and penguin-like stance, it sounds like a classic case of EYP or ascites (fluid in the abdomen). If you say you can't feel an inflamed abdomen, then I wonder why she seems to be standing like a penguin, Have you got a photo of her you can post? Also, have you weighed her recently - is she losing or gaining weight?
I'm not sure if she's trying to lay an egg, as she hasn't laid since November. She was wormed with liquid safeguard a month ago, and suddenly molted the same week. She has lost weight over the past couple of days, and she spent most of yesterday sleeping.

Her stance isn't as pronounced as it was this morning.
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