BYC Poo Page - Warning, Pictures

Easy enough to check for an egg.
Study these pictures, then get a glove, some KY Jelly and gently check for an egg.

Has she been drinking?
Will do, thanks. No, she hasn't been drinking on her own, we've been crop-feeding 800mg oxytetracycline into her two or three times daily. She has eaten some dry bread, though.
If you do find an egg, go to Tractor Supply and get some Calcium Gluconate from the cattle section and give her 0.2ml per pound orally, set your water heater to high, fill your bathroom with steam (extraction fans off), put her in a crate on your counter and leave her there for several hours. With any luck she'll pass the egg.

Tetracycline binds with calcium, so give at least two hours apart. Do not give calcium if you can't feel an egg.

I'm going to grab a bite to eat first, but after lunch I'll feel for an egg. Thank you for the advice and I'll keep you posted.
I didn't find an egg, but instead three small growths - one underneath her left thigh, another in front of her right leg, and one above her tail. All three are covered with clusters of new feathers; the largest is covered in lesions and dead tissue.
(Please excuse the bad photos.)

I think it's cancer; I owned a Red Star back in CA who developed it. Only it was in summer, so she had maggots as well.
Not much you can do if it's cancer, but if it's something like worms, coccidia, bacteria or yeast, you can treat those. If she were mine I would worm with Safeguard at 0.23ml per pound for five days, this will treat almost all possible worms (the one day dose you gave her probably just treated roundworms).

Any chance you can take a poo sample to the vet and have it checked for coccidia, worm eggs, bacteria and yeast? You should also look up ascites and EYP, see if those symptoms fit.

Thank you for the information. Unfortunately, I'm in a rural area and there are no vets I can submit a sample to.

Haven't heard of ascites prior to this, but my flock has had several cases of EYP and cancer over the years. All of my Mareks/cancerous birds have developed these feather clusters, in which the follicles are closely spaced and multiple feathers are growing out of single follicles. The largest growth on the Silkie looks like a cancerous mole, and felt like a rubber eraser. Based upon past experience, it seems like cancer.
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