BYC Poo Page - Warning, Pictures

generally stinky poo is a bacterial infection, so that would be a hint on that-i haven't read the whole thread, are you using antibiotics?

on corid, don't give vitamins or probiotics at the same time, you are treating to kill cocci, adding vitamins back in or probiotics you nullify the corid- so essentially are not treating- what i do is 3 days corid,no additives, 3 days vitamins, then another 3 on corid, i use powdered corid

Aaahhhhhh yeah ive done corid with a bacterial .. I guess antibiotics? Its included in it but gave water with AVC and then the vitamins. had some progress and some not so much. Maybe why
ok know me always super paranoid about me is what i found when i added some food just five minutes ago...most of the poo looks like normal poo but then there is like a light brown poo lately...some of which is this and then the end of it looks like normal poo...wish i had a pick...but the one that concerns me is this are the birds...they are all lively....and they run around eat and drink like crazy so i might be overreacting but can never be to safe
should i be worried....all they get for feed is medicated chick starter...also i think they could be eating the pine shavings...could this be a reason...?

so i was taking a pic of quazi and the everyone knows i take tons of pics...and noticed quazi standing on something red...pictured above

theres quazi...poor guy one eye and scissors beak...but super friendly and super active
ok so right when i post i look again and i got the brown poo with the normal part look
here is the weird brown poo...but the upper right corner you can see underneath the normal green /white poo

i smeared it to get a pic of the green/white part

Goose with entorobacter - Treatment was Baytril

13 hours after administering the baytril

Last edited:
Capillary worms. Free range peacock.

Roundworm and Heterakis (Cecal) worms. Chicken broody.

Recovering peacock with Coccidiosis, two days into treatment.

Pictures by BYC's KSKingBee

ok so right when i post i look again and i got the brown poo with the normal part look
here is the weird brown poo...but the upper right corner you can see underneath the normal green /white poo

i smeared it to get a pic of the green/white part

Sorry, somehow I missed this. How is the bird doing?


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