BYC Recognition Awards - Educator, Friend, Spirit, & Greeter

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Boy you all were busy! almost 100 nominations this quarter!

When do u decide who gets a badge?
Well, It's a process. First I go through and sort the nominees by name.

Then I group them by member and medal. Then I go to each member's profile and history to make sure they meet the criteria the Staff came up with for each category.

I delete the ones I can't find and mark those who already have the medals they were nominated for.

Since we don't award more than one medal per quarter, so sometimes I have to decide which is the best fit.

Once I get all that done, I post it in the private Staff Section and the Staff will discuss, approve or disapprove and even say something like, "Hey, I think this other medal is a better fit and choice for this member", so we will discuss making a change.

Sometimes it's quick and other times it might take longer. It just depends. I like to get at least 3 or 4 Staff members to comment and approve, because even though I feel I am very fair, I want witnesses. :lol:

Now that I told you all that, I have gone though the preliminary steps and will present the list to Staff. Unfortunately, I have to head out to work, so it will be later today.

Stay tuned!
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