Ended BYC's 2022 Spooktacular Halloween Hatch-Along!—Critter Halloween Costume Contest

This is the best i could get from her[

I can't wait to see them!
neither can I! will have to grab some tulle and other supplies from mom's secret stash of sewing goodness. it is HUMONGUS!!!!!!!!!! my mom deserves to be on Hoarders!
It is all nicely put away, but boy is there a lot of it! I'm sure I can spare a yard of fabric for these costumes! will need to make patterns though...
pretty sure I can do it...
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does she try to scratch you? that's exactly what our cat would do. she hates even being held!
Noooo, Inky never, never scratces, hisses, or bites. She loves being held and petted. The way I know she hates it is because she sits still and meows loudly until I take the costume off.
Noooo, Inky never, never scratces, hisses, or bites. She loves being held and petted. The way I know she hates it is because she sits still and meows loudly until I take the costume off.
you have a good cat!
I have personally tried to put one of my diva doggie's dresses on Coco... use your imagination for the scratches i had...
you have a good cat!
I have personally tried to put one of my diva doggie's dresses on Coco... use your imagination for the scratches i had...
Yeah, your coco sounds like our rabbits, who don't like to be held.
Winnie doesn't mind costumes, though, I might try one with her!

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