Caked Poo on Chicks behinds


Aug 19, 2017
So today I was looking at my chicks when something caught my eye; there was poop caked over their butts and I’m concerned due to the fact that some of it is obscuring their poop holes. I’ve tried removing them but it seems to be hurting them and I don’t want to hurt them. How should I go about removing the poop?
How old are your chicks?

If they are small you can hold them in a cup of warm, not hot or cold, water to helpossen it up.

You do not want to pull if can pull their guts out.

What are you feeding and what is them temperature where these chicks are living?
I use a water jug that I cut with a utility knife. 20190301_130020.jpg .
I fill about half way with warm water.
I hold chick in my hand with its butt facing outward and hold its butt in the water for 3 minutes to soften.
Then gently squeeze the poo and remove.
If it's still hard, soak for another minute or two until it can easily be removed. GC
I am new to chicks but had to clean three of my six girls bottoms. I used the soak in a tepid bowl of water on the first one. and on the other two I simply had a gentle stream of tepid water from the facet and held their bottoms under the water a few minutes. I used a paper towel in to gently "massage" the poo as it softened and it basically just fell off in less than two minutes.

The problem has not returned! Good luck

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