calcium supplement


Aug 31, 2020
british columbia canada
hi all, looking for a simply answer, have skimmed old posts and don’t see what i’m looking for

i have a 3 yr old hen going through a phase of laying soft shelled eggs. they have free access to oysters shells and eggs shells but she doesn’t eat them. obviously the amount in their layer feed isn’t doing it for her.

i’d like to supplement her with extra, but i would like to know exactly how much to give her daily, and for how long

thanks in advance
I like to use the human form of Citracal plus vitamin D3. It's calcium citrate with vitamin D3. I give one tablet per day until shells are back to normal and showing calcium pimples.
Edited to add: My Serama has laid eggs that were cracked and mended internally. I gave her 1/2 tablet per day until she was laying eggs with normal shells and calcium pimples.
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This is my local stores generic brand

This is what I do, but there's not really a specific amount I give them. I generally continue this treatment for the rest of the laying season for the year, and reassess when they begin laying again next year:

If you know exactly which bird is the problem bird, isolate her for a private breakfast. 2-3x a week serve a small bowl (like 1 Tbsp is fine) of wet or fermented feed with oyster shell mixed in. If she does not like chunks of oyster shell, crush it up or use the powdery remnants from bottom of the bag. Should only take her minutes to eat and after that she's free to go.

Assuming her issue is simply insufficient calcium intake, you should see results in a week or two, and you can try reducing it to 1-2x a week and should hopefully continue getting good results. If you still have the same issue, then you might need to try pills of calcium citrate instead for a faster, bigger calcium boost.
I like to use the human form of Citracal plus vitamin D3. It's calcium citrate with vitamin D3. I give one tablet per day until shells are back to normal and showing calcium pimples.
Edited to add: My Serama has laid eggs that were cracked and mended internally. I gave her 1/2 tablet per day until she was laying eggs with normal shells and calcium pimples.
How do u give the pill to the chicken?
Thank you. I’ll try it tomorrow.
I'll try to help explain it if you have any trouble. If your bird is having trouble with making nice and strong shells, it's best to get the calcium citrate in them late afternoon to evening, so they have this extra calcium in their gut during the time the shell gland is most active.
If you're giving them extra calcium to help them with contractions to push out an egg, give it at any time of day or night. Sooner rather than later 😊
Two days ago I finally started giving the calcium citrate. I just gave 1/2 a pill the first day cuz I thought the pills were SO big but yesterday I gave the whole pill. I couldn’t figure out how to open their beaks but figured out if I hold the bottom of the beak they will open the top. I’m really hoping this works 🤞🏻. Any idea how long til I should see results
Two days ago I finally started giving the calcium citrate. I just gave 1/2 a pill the first day cuz I thought the pills were SO big but yesterday I gave the whole pill. I couldn’t figure out how to open their beaks but figured out if I hold the bottom of the beak they will open the top. I’m really hoping this works 🤞🏻. Any idea how long til I should see results
Should be within a week. Hopefully you'll see gradual improvement over the next few eggs, if calcium deficiency is the issue for her.

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