Calif. N.Central Valley/Foothills

I am in Lodi Ca. Have 7 Bard Rocks ,great layers,but trying to get them to get along at the beginning is a chore. Even the mom wants to fight the kids. Rodney the rooster steps in between then most of the time any ideas.? I have had ti separate one hen because they are picking her feathers off her back do not know what else to do. Coop

Hi there you may want to join us on the Northern California thread; it is very active and lots of people post there :)
Environment can play a role, but I believe temperament is mostly a function of genetics. If you want well behaved chickens that play nice, you have two choices. 1. Buy from a breeder that breeds for temperament. 2, Start your own program getting rid of the trouble makers. I don't have individual chicken pets, my flock is my pet and I work at maintaining the health of the flock. An individual within the flock that causes trouble is dinner. This goes for both rosters and hens. And even buying birds breed for this, you will get a bad apple. But they don't stay in my flock. They all get along.
Hi all! I'm a newbie from Sonora, CA. Been here since 99 with my husband Steve. We spent most of our lives in Happy Camp, CA up on the Klamath River. Now that's N. CA.! We have 1 rooster and 2 young hens, all black tailed white Japanese bantams mostly for backyard pets. On the week-ends we are building a 4'x8' coop that will have a run off of it. One of my two Chihuahua's wants to eat my chickens. He has always chased the birds out of the yard from under the feeder. When ever we start letting the chickens loose I think he will have to stay in the house. The young hens just started laying their first eggs this week. I would like to add a pair of mottled black ones to the ones we have. Looking forward to the chicken adventure and meeting new folks with similar interests. Linda
Hi all! I'm a newbie from Sonora, CA. Been here since 99 with my husband Steve. We spent most of our lives in Happy Camp, CA up on the Klamath River. Now that's N. CA.! We have 1 rooster and 2 young hens, all black tailed white Japanese bantams mostly for backyard pets. On the week-ends we are building a 4'x8' coop that will have a run off of it. One of my two Chihuahua's wants to eat my chickens. He has always chased the birds out of the yard from under the feeder. When ever we start letting the chickens loose I think he will have to stay in the house. The young hens just started laying their first eggs this week. I would like to add a pair of mottled black ones to the ones we have. Looking forward to the chicken adventure and meeting new folks with similar interests. Linda

Hello and Welcome Linda, and Welcome to BYC!
Nice choice of birds, I love the longtails. You may be able to train your dog that those are your birds - and not to chase them off. It took a couple of times before my dog learned it, but she doesn't even look at them now.

You might want to join the Northern Cal thread - this thread is very slow. The Nor Cal thread accepts anybody from anywhere.. I like to say its a state of mind, not a location.
Hi everyone.. I'm new to this forum and fairly new to chicken raising. I really like the English Orpingtons and am looking for a source in my area to purchase eggs or chicks. Any help would be appreciated
Hi everyone.. I'm new to this forum and fairly new to chicken raising. I really like the English Orpingtons and am looking for a source in my area to purchase eggs or chicks. Any help would be appreciated... forgot to put that I'm in the Fresno area
Hi everyone.. I'm new to this forum and fairly new to chicken raising. I really like the English Orpingtons and am looking for a source in my area to purchase eggs or chicks. Any help would be appreciated... forgot to put that I'm in the Fresno area

Welcome @jhawk1995
I believe all/most feed stores in the Fresno area sell Belt hatchery stock. They do carry Buff Orpingtons. Not sure about being English or not. Check-in on the California Northern thread. Lots of people with good info.
I know a couple of small local breeders but don't think they carry Orpingtons.
You can find most any breed fairly close and then incubate them.
Close being California
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Hi everyone.. I'm new to this forum and fairly new to chicken raising. I really like the English Orpingtons and am looking for a source in my area to purchase eggs or chicks. Any help would be appreciated... forgot to put that I'm in the Fresno area
Hi and welcome. I'm in Three Rivers, a couple of hours from Fresno. I'm more or less new to having chickens too. I wanted orps, but ordered them from a hatchery because I couldn't find any in my area. I'm up in the hills from Visalia.

I hear that some of the feed stores/grower supply houses have chicks this time of year, but not sure what type. I'm trying to get to know the vendors so I can track down some. I just got some Serama pullets, but they were flown in from Kentucky LOL.

I heard that Woodlake Growers in Woodlake has chicks from time to time, but I don't know what type. I'll be going down there to buy more feed etc so I'll ask around.

Quote: Most all feed stores in this area carry Belt Hatchery stock. Look up their web site to see what they carry. By and large I have been happy with their chicks, but depends on what your after. Your most likely not going to win shows with hatchery stock. Search for chicks on craigslist to find more indiduals who sell. Buyer beware with the good, the bad, and the ugly. I know someone in Bakersfield who sells nice Oripingtons. The N cal thread is much more active;
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I have a nice Cream Legbar Rooster less than a year old that needs to be moved out because I need room for new chicks. Anyone interested? Other wise he'll end up in the stew. I also have a hen but if you want both I would need to sell them.

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