California - Northern

This is an interesting article on crooked keels that someone posted on the Langshan FB page. I'm dealing with crooked keels in my Pita Pinta flock and culling hard to try to get rid of it. According to the studies in this article, I should consider giving them Vitamin D and maybe change their roosts.

Hi Debi!

Here's an excellent video on growing out quality New Hampshires (you can use his good info for any breed, actually) and he mentions in the middle that he was finding crooked keels on birds that were roosting too early. His solution was to keep them on the ground as long as he can. When they become juvies, he has low roosts for them (a few inches off the ground.)

I had won your grains at the party, but accidentally left them there while we were talking. You'd mentioned the website they could be purchased, could you please remind me what that was? Many thanks!!! And hope your Pita Pinta's are coming along!!!
Hi Debi!

Here's an excellent video on growing out quality New Hampshires (you can use his good info for any breed, actually) and he mentions in the middle that he was finding crooked keels on birds that were roosting too early. His solution was to keep them on the ground as long as he can. When they become juvies, he has low roosts for them (a few inches off the ground.)

I had won your grains at the party, but accidentally left them there while we were talking. You'd mentioned the website they could be purchased, could you please remind me what that was? Many thanks!!! And hope your Pita Pinta's are coming along!!!
Thank you for sharing the video.

The grains are Omega 3 chicken forage from I buy 10 lb at a time in order to get a price break.
I'm suffering from chicken math...sold, rehomed, processed 15. Then 12 chicks hatched and my friend gave me three special project chicks. Net reduction in chicken numbers = 0. So much for downsizing.

Time for another trip to the feed store for more feed. At least the 12 chicks will be my last until fall.

Edited to add: Blue laced Red Wyandotte hen? One of my favorites! That chicken is gorgeous! What does the project involve?

Good old Chicken Math! I am having issues with it too! I had wanted to get some Silkie pullets from a nearby breeder with a reputation for good healthy birds a few weeks back. The ones she posted were spoken for pretty fast but she mentioned she had a few more that would be ready in a couple of weeks. After about 4 weeks went by I figured she had forgotten or already sold them so I jumped at the chance to get some day-olds from Jeff when he posted a "Flash Chick Sale" on FB. I got 5 Silkies and 2 Tolbunt Polish chicks and my broody OE is a very happy lady! Then the other breeder messaged me and said she had some ready to go and I didn't want to be one of "Those People" that says they want something and then flakes. SO I left the house at 8 AM yesterday morning to beat the heat and drove to Gridley. She had 5 juveniles ready but thought 1 was likely a cockerel so I was only going to get the other 4 but she didn't want him to be lonely so thru him in for free. She was already giving me an amazing price on them so I was floored when she added him for free. I suspect I won't have too much trouble rehoming it if does turn out to be a boy. These are the new ones...

Some of you may remember that I was asking for photos a couple of months ago. Well, my article is finally up!

Congratulations! Nice article. It is very thorough and covers a lot of areas involved in raising chickens.. I especially like the part about not wanting to unconscious in the pen with your chickens and the reference to our wonderful group!
BarALE at our feed store in Placerville, Warren and Cifton.
I think we have talked about this before, but what is everyone's opinion of Bar Ale Feed? My local feed store is now carrying it (not sure of the price) but I haven't bought any yet. I would have week or so back but they were out of the Flock Raiser version of it.
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Edited to add: Blue laced Red Wyandotte hen? One of my favorites! That chicken is gorgeous! What does the project involve?

Good old Chicken Math! I am having issues with it too! I had wanted to get some Silkie pullets from a nearby breeder with a reputation for good healthy birds a few weeks back. The ones she posted were spoken for pretty fast but she mentioned she had a few more that would be ready in a couple of weeks. After about 4 weeks went by I figured she had forgotten or already sold them so I jumped at the chance to get some day-olds from Jeff when he posted a "Flash Chick Sale" on FB. I got 5 Silkies and 2 Tolbunt Polish chicks and my broody OE is a very happy lady! Then the other breeder messaged me and said she had some ready to go and I didn't want to be one of "Those People" that says they want something and then flakes. SO I left the house at 8 AM yesterday morning to beat the heat and drove to Gridley. She had 5 juveniles ready but thought 1 was likely a cockerel so I was only going to get the other 4 but she didn't want him to be lonely so thru him in for free. She was already giving me an amazing price on them so I was floored when she added him for free. I suspect I won't have too much trouble rehoming it if does turn out to be a boy. These are the new ones...

Congratulations! Nice article. It is very thorough and covers a lot of areas involved in raising chickens.. I especially like the part about not wanting to unconscious in the pen with your chickens and the reference to our wonderful group!
I think we have talked about this before, but what is everyone's opinion of Bar Ale Feed? My local feed store is now carrying it (not sure of the price) but I haven't bought any yet. I would have week or so back but they were out of the Flock Raiser version of it.
I have used their GMO free layer feed. It has changed in formulation. Last year it had fish meal in it and made the manure dark. It had a smell but the girls did well with it. The last bag did not have fish meal and it looks like they have gone big into sunflower meal and peas.

Last week I picked up two of the Organic layer from costco. I am using it to feed the Arkansas blues and the TJ's pullets. They like it and are doing fine with it so far. I may go over to Hayes feed this weekend and pick up some barale GMO layer feed though.

It makes me sad that Azure Standard does not carry more GMO free feeds, now that I can get it at a drop in Davis. It is an open drop so anyone from Woodland and Davis can join it.

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