California - Northern

Nice dark hen showgirl with silver leakage. Super big pouf.

And Solo looks like a hen as well (yay)
The showgirls from @chiqita are really starting to blossom.

This one cracks me up

This is sooo sweet & friendly, always looking for petting & skritches

This buff is such a cutie
love, love, love!

Today I went to Hayes feed to pick up some GMO free layer and the clerk said that it was very popular for some reason and they were low on it today.--I told her it was likely my own fault since I posted about it on BYC this week.

It's all good, they will have more in next week.

what brand were you recommending?
On another note: Ron the u of a blue/ penedesenca cross is broody! And she's not nice about me getting her eggs ;)
Here is my jub pullet saying good night to me last night , or she was wanting some coffee
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love, love, love!
what brand were you recommending?
On another note: Ron the u of a blue/ penedesenca cross is broody! And she's not nice about me getting her eggs

I have one working on being broody too. She jumps off so far when I get close to her.
Nice dark hen showgirl with silver leakage. Super big pouf.
Oh my! It's a wonder she doesn't topple over!

Quote: I have a large aquarium with a screen cover for the brooder. Eventually I'll move them outside to their own aviary. I'll probably have to sell the extra males though. They can be vicious with each other.
I have never kept buttons, but have heard they breed in pairs rather than that right?

My 5 silkie babies have grown enough now to have some feathering one the wings. I am wondering if anyone can tell me what the adult color/feathering type will likely be on these guys....






I'm way up here by Redding, so I'm probably way too far. But, i do offer hatching eggs in the spring and fall. ( it's too hot for eggs now) I do sometimes have young pullets available you ever come up this way. Right now I'm sorting through this year's pullets and have a few I can part with.


Trisha your Barnies are gorgeous. I just recently got a blue laced Rooster from Happy Chooks and would love to add a blue hen in the future. He is quite the gentleman to his ladies and gorgeous in his own right. If only you weren't so far, perhaps I will be ready for hatching eggs come springtime!

Thanks:) Happy chooks also has nice Barnies and Welsummers. I didn't hatch out a lot of blues this year but have at least 3 decent looking blue cockerels and maybe 1/2 dozen pullets so far. The youngest 12 chicks are all " blues", so I hope I have a few good ones in that bunch.


 Thats she does!!! I also got a Wellie from her and she is beautiful. A talkative gal, but lays a very nice speckled egg.  Very happy with the birds I got from her.

Thanks again @Happy Chooks

I am so glad you are happy with them. When I choose a Barnevelder female, you could mate her to him and get black and blue offspring.

Thanks Trisha. I look forward to seeing your progress with the silvers.
Took the last egg away from my broody wan'a'be this evening she sat there for a time then headed down for a dust bath. We will see what she does tomorrow.
I have used their GMO free layer feed. It has changed in formulation. Last year it had fish meal in it and made the manure dark. It had a smell but the girls did well with it. The last bag did not have fish meal and it looks like they have gone big into sunflower meal and peas.

Last week I picked up two of the Organic layer from costco. I am using it to feed the Arkansas blues and the TJ's pullets. They like it and are doing fine with it so far. I may go over to Hayes feed this weekend and pick up some barale GMO layer feed though.

It makes me sad that Azure Standard does not carry more GMO free feeds, now that I can get it at a drop in Davis. It is an open drop so anyone from Woodland and Davis can join it.

I just decided with this last azure order to drop my whole grains. I have been splitting 1/2 soaked whole grains and 1/2 soaked crumble but the prices have jumped that it's not within my budget anymore
I'm lowering the portions a bit every day until the 150 lbs I have run out. Kinda sad as I enjoyed working with them but gotta be careful with the cash.
I just decided with this last azure order to drop my whole grains. I have been splitting 1/2 soaked whole grains and 1/2 soaked crumble but the prices have jumped that it's not within my budget anymore
I'm lowering the portions a bit every day until the 150 lbs I have run out. Kinda sad as I enjoyed working with them but gotta be careful with the cash.

Two drops ago I bought kamut scratch for about $30.00. I looked at the price for this drop and it was $41.00. Their organic chicken wheat was in the $30.00 range too. The wheat was in the $14.00 range two years ago.

The prices are way too high. The Bar Ale GMO free layer, 40 pound bag was $19.99 from Hayes feed. I can get layeena from Tractor Supply for less. I so like to give them better feed though.

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