CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

Not long ago I'd sign in here before I even opened my email. Got to the point that hitting a like button was so much easier. LOL I love BYC though, so not complaining, but with FB I don't have as hard a time bypassing the arguments. LOL Not that we've had any I can remember on this thread.

Taking a few minutes break between feeding animals. All but 3 pens of chickens are done. Then on to the rabbits and quail. Then later I'm cleaning waterers. I have several to make from PVC and nipples and I finally broke down and order a whole bunch of the ones for rabbits. Really thought I'd get to those this weekend, but I'm beat. Thing is that should be the exact reason I should get them done, because I'm going to have to go out and fill all those bottles instead. I'm trying to get an area just for rabbits though. I seem to have added cages here and there as I acquired and only a few are close enough to each other to be able to set things up. Just need to energy to finish that area and moved everyone, so I'll probably work on things while I watch a movie at night and do all the other things while I have sunlight. Don't know why I have such an issue screwing together some easier wood frames to set the longer cages on, but I do. I even have most of the wholes drilled. I just need 3 more boards drilled and it will probably take 1/2 hr to put them together. I do them just fine in my mind. I don't get it...LOL

I have a little Lav AM pullet that thinks she's a shoe ornament. For the past 2 weeks, so follows me around while I dish out fermented feed and 90% of the time, she'll jump on my foot, like she wants to take a ride. It's kind of cute, but these chicks this year here (not any of the ones people hatched from my eggs though) seem to be taking forever to grow. Don't know why. I go through #300 of grower a month, so they should be the size of a baby Emu. But this girl gets right under foot. I'm talk, so sometimes I don't realize she's right there and since she is small (or maybe it's because I'm so tall and think she is) I'm terrified I'm going to smash her. I can be doing things and she's got to try and fly up on my shoulder to look me in the face and then back at what I;m doing as if to say "whatcha doin? Can I help? What's that?" I heard a 2 yr old's voice in my head while she talks in my ear. I'm so glad I got some of those to hatch out though. Terrible terrible hatches for me the past 2 years. Seems the only ones I did good in the bator with were Wellies, but I didn't get one stinkin pullet all year! Same thing with the Marans pen. I have some FBCM cockerels growing out. Not pullets! No blue coppers and one blue, so my fresh Marans pen for all my new chicks I thought I'd have, has just got my older birds.

OH, but I did get some good news on some chicks I donated a few months ago. Golden Phoenix! First place on most and 2nd on one. Not sure how they'd do in a big show, but I was happy and the kid that I gave them to was also. No one here, but some of the mixed flock are laying yet, but he says he's getting tons of Phoenix eggs. I need to send all mine down there. At least they would be laying and helping to pay their way. Not like they ever cover everything, but man even if it's a bag here and there I'm excited.

Ok break over I think. I'll have to test my back first. LOL Hope things are going good for everyone here.
JS West in Modesto is having their annual "Poultry Sale" day this Saturday. Breeders from all over CA will have exhibition birds for sale from 10 am- 2 pm. This was set up so kids can pick up some quality birds for the upcoming show season. Or if your looking for some pure bred birds around your home it would be a great chance to find what your looking for. I will have the birds below for sale along with some others. L
I put all the information on the Events page. For those who don't know.......If you go to the first post of this thread, you'll find some links. I've set up pages that pertain to those of us in CA as well as adding surrounding states in some cases. The link on the first page will take you to the original CA page and you can find more links there. BTW, if you are a breeder and would like to be added to the Breeders list, please format the same way as what is posted. I've left the original list, but now we format and you need to list your breeds separately. Easiest way to do that is to copy and paste one of the formatted sections and replace your information, omitting the other person's info. Then copy and paste your new listing and simply do it again with your next breed. Once you're done, pm your list to me and I'll add it to that list.

Meetups, shows, events can all be added to by the members here, so if you have something to add, simplely edit and add. I'm clumbsy. Before I change something I copy and paste it into an email and send it to myself. I once lost 3 days of work and the editing section wouldn't let me undo what I had done, so make sure all the other info remains. I have shows listed there already, so if you're thinking of going to a show and don't know where they are, go check out the page.

Feed Store and Vets, also have a page. You can add the name of the store, their address, phone number and times of operation.

I've set up a lot of pages, so if you haven't yet, go look and if you have info either add it or let me know what should be added.
JS West in Modesto is having their annual "Poultry Sale" day this Saturday. Breeders from all over CA will have exhibition birds for sale from 10 am- 2 pm. This was set up so kids can pick up some quality birds for the upcoming show season. Or if your looking for some pure bred birds around your home it would be a great chance to find what your looking for. I will have the birds below for sale along with some others. L
Thanks Kim!

Too bad Modesto is so far from me....
January isn't far away. There's always the big show in Stockton!!

I came home with one, yes ONE bird. I kind of had to replace Makayla's little Modern Game roo. Don't ask. Found one, so I';m hoping she's isn't her regular attentive self and doesn't notice next weekend when she comes home. Now to get him to come when you call him Dino. How did she do that????
January isn't far away. There's always the big show in Stockton!!

I came home with one, yes ONE bird. I kind of had to replace Makayla's little Modern Game roo. Don't ask. Found one, so I';m hoping she's isn't her regular attentive self and doesn't notice next weekend when she comes home. Now to get him to come when you call him Dino. How did she do that????
i wish you well
January isn't far away. There's always the big show in Stockton!!

I came home with one, yes ONE bird. I kind of had to replace Makayla's little Modern Game roo. Don't ask. Found one, so I';m hoping she's isn't her regular attentive self and doesn't notice next weekend when she comes home. Now to get him to come when you call him Dino. How did she do that????

May I ask, what is this big show in Stockton?

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