CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

Wow I've never tried making a bridal gown! Lots of formals but no bridal gowns. Sounds like a lot of work and a lot of deadlines!
Probably still in storage but I probably have about 100 or more wedding gown and brides maid dress patterns. I really have to get things done so I can find all my stuff!
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Look what I got for my birthday!!! A sebastopol gosling! Those cute black things are my husbands runner ducklings. :) My oldest meeting Sebastian My youngest meeting him Abby is not feeling well so Sebastian is helping her Then this is what he is doing right now on me:
So I ordered a dozen Silver Gray Dorking hatching eggs from the Poultry Palace that are getting close to Show Quality. They are from the person that was going to show in Stockton this year but could not show. The eggs were messed up from shipping and had no aircells and some had floating bits in the eggs. Six of them developed and three hatched.
It turns out two of the ones that hatched are actually Dorking with Americana crosses, so Easter Eggers I guess.

I am going to get another chance to hatch! The Poultry Palace is sending me another dozen of the SG Dorking eggs on April 16th.

This is an SG Dorking at 5 weeks.

This is one of the McMurray Barred Rocks at five weeks old and molting

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So I ordered a dozen Silver Gray Dorking hatching eggs from the Poultry Palace that are getting close to Show Quality. They are from the person that was going to show in Stockton this year but could not show. The eggs were messed up from shipping and had no aircells and some had floating bits in the eggs. Six of them developed and three hatched.
It turns out two of the ones that hatched are actually Dorking with Americana crosses, so Easter Eggers I guess.

I am going to get another chance to hatch! The Poultry Palace is sending me another dozen of the SG Dorking eggs on April 16th.

This is an SG Dorking at 5 weeks.

This is one of the McMurray Barred Rocks at five weeks old and molting

the last red chick isnt a barred rock...not sure what it is but its pretty

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