CALIFORNIA The Whole State thread

Neat pictures Kim...My SIL uncle was there with his Chevelle & spent the night here.

AAs too the eggs from Trader Joe's. I have a customer that bought eggs right from the cooler at Trader Joe's & hatched them fine.
I have so many more pics from the show. Makayla even took pics when we drove the strip. LOL Windows down and everyone waving at her. Then when we parked, she hadn't saved any of them. She said "that's ok grandma. I'll get more tomorrow." Had to break it to her that she'd have to wait till another show or till next year.

I loved going. I always do, but I also miss my cars so much that it kind of gets to me. I really want to find one. I used to buy sometimes 4 cars a month. My BIL would do most of the mechanical work after I met him and I did interiors and had an old botfriend that was still a friend for 20 years after that did my paint. I wish I had had the money when I was in business with my ex business partner. He was one of the top painters around. I don't even remember how many cars I owned from 16 to 30. A lot! My first ones were hush money from my stepdad. The jerk. I'd get clobbered and a car would show up. It was almost worth it. Since all the strokes and brain tumor, I couldn't tell you anything about them, but I used to know every car I owned and some I didn't from the ground up. All the stats. Now I do good to know if they run on regular. But I'd relearn if I could. I did talk to some people and put some feelers out for something I always wanted, so we'll see if I can find a bucket I can play with. Heck I still haven't gotten around to find 2 basket case Harleys for Dakotah and me to figure out.

The TJ eggs do hatch. Greyeyes (Linda) still has some that she hatched. They are Leghorns. That's what I've hatched out too. I haven't been able to find fertile brown eggs there.

Karen there were sooooo many Chevelles. OMG! And Chargers. I hope they had a good time. Did he win anything?

My neice went to the show on saturday and took pics back to my BIL. He has 2 Chargers that he doesn't show and she's been on him. My nephew needs to get that speed demon Camero of his into a show. He races it, but it's in A+ condition and my teenage grand daughters always brag to their friends about their cousin's car. It's beautiful. When I can get it on here, one of my favorites is a El Camino Wagon, that's been cho[[ed and now a convertable. I love that car!
Finally decided to run my swamp cooler today. All I get it air. The waters on and Bill changed the pump about a month before he died, so it's been 2 years. It worked fine last summer after I figure the stupid thing out. Man is it hot!

BTW I have a hatch going on. Got 1 Silver Pheonix so far. I lost all 4 from the last hatch. They got trampled I think. The little OEGB x Chochins are doing great though. I really need to get rid of some chicks. Woke up at 7am on monday and intended to take some to the auction and laid back down. Woke up every hour on the hour and said I was going to get up and go and didn't. I did good getting out for the car shows, but went right back to not wanting to leave the house the very next morning. Took me a while to leave for the shows too, but at least I made myself go.
I know nothing except what I already mentioned Kim. I used to go with my aunt & uncle to alot of car races but that was eons ago, Laguna Seca, Catoti, Sears Point etc,,,,,,,,,,,, but I was young & it was phase that I passed through......LOL. My uncle however continued & raced until his death in a plane crash a few years back. He even races Nascars & on the Salt lake flats...............Now he knew his cars as does my aunt.
Anytime you want hatching that I have let me know Kim.
I did the track thing too when I was younger. My Godfather taught me you drive one of his cars at the Indy 500 track the night before he won. I was 12 almost 12. After that I didn't drive till I wa 16 and man was that different. LOL We were supposed to start going out to Sears to watch a friend race his Camero, but then Bill died and I haven't seen anyone since. Maybe I should check and see when he is going to race again and go. I'm not even sure where my nephew races or how good he is. Bad aunt! I've just always loved cars. I actually drove my first one when I was 3 or 4. Took my little cousin Sheila for a ride right through my grandparents huge garage door. My great grandfather had a Model T a Model A and something else. Don't know which on it was and no one left alive that knew for sure, but it was always a story told at reunions.

I have 2 FBCMs out with this hatch. Thank goodness. I have had such a bad time with those. I don't see anything else pipped, but I didn't see pipping from one that when I put the maglight on them popped out with a shell on it's head. I swear, I have a few out and I only see 3 eggs that look to have hatched. They must be puttin gthe tops back down like the quail do. LOL

My little baby Lionhead came out into the cage yesterday. It's eyes are still closed, but it's hopping around and finding food and scratching and cleaning it's face. I never noticed them do all that before the eyes were open. I hope nothings wrong, because it's almost 2 weeks old and still has them closed. But man is that a chunky bunny! When the fur first started coming in I could see the difference from the back and tell it is going to have a double mane, but right now it's just one length. And I don't know if this is a way to tell, but it's privates are huge! Think it might be a buck, but then again I've never been good at sexing rabbits unless it was totally obvious.
AAs too the eggs from Trader Joe's. I have a customer that bought eggs right from the cooler at Trader Joe's & hatched them fine.

I hatched nine out of twelve. I just picked the best pack date available (the julian date is printed on the carton). I listed the chicks (white leghorn) on Craigslist and sold them within hours.

Finally decided to run my swamp cooler today. All I get it air. The waters on and Bill changed the pump about a month before he died, so it's been 2 years. It worked fine last summer after I figure the stupid thing out. Man is it hot!

Kim, changing out the pump is very simple and costs around $20. You just need to twist the wires into place and cover heavily with electrician's tape. In the meantime, just go out and spray down the pads (assuming it's a window unit and not on your roof). You can just wet them down from the outside. If you spray them every hour, they will provide cool air for 15-30 minutes each time before they dry back out. Believe me, I've done that when I had a broken pump.

Kim when I was looking for air conditioners for my coup I noticed they had some in a Facebook group for a good price. The group is called "Stanislaus county garage sale". Today I saw one that went in a window that looked new for $100. They usually have one listed often but I needed the kind that didn't fit in a window (a free standing one). I looked all over for a used one but didn't have any luck. I ended up getting one at Costco. :/
wow - you get the trader joe eggs to actually hatch? That's cool!

Oh, yeah. They hatch. Some folks think they do even better than shipped eggs because they're handled in flats and on trucks vs. being tossed around into bins by the USPS. There's a whole thread on BYC (search Trader Joe's) and an unofficial club you're in if you succeed. And the best thing (I thought) about hatching TJ's eggs is they're really easy to candle.

Taking her babies out for a stroll (R.I.P. 2 of them)
Making sure the box is safe
Proud mother and father of the broody!
Peep peep

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