Call Duck

I definitely wouldn't have time to dedicate to an inside duck, UNLESS it was a lone duck, like Pyrrhos was going to be.

I wanted a Magpie, but I decided against it because I read they need a lot of room. Anyways, I'm happy with the amount I have. I'm only getting more so my drakes don't fight over my hens or kill my hens.
I finally got a better picture of my Call duckling now that she is feathered out. I am still unsure what colour she is, butterscotch, apricot, or pastel? Also is the other one a silver?

Just strictly from looking at Google images, she doesn't looke like either. From the colors I looked at, both of them look like blues. But I don't really know lol.
Aw! My parakeets are sleeping!
I love them so much and I want to NEVER give up on this farming stuff
. I don't know why some people think it's gross to get muddy or be in the barn kissing goats. I mean this stuff is just plain fun!
I mean really, once you look into the eyes of a parakeet, or hug a dog, or kiss a cat, or get pecked in the eye by a chicken, you know that you wouldn't be able to live without farming and seeing free range chickens
. I love sitting in the sun with a cat rubbing on me as a chicken is on my lap with the sounds of wild birds. I really don't know how in the WORLD people don't like farming, I mean it's AWESOME! And I feel sorry for whoever chases my animals!
Hi.. I got my first duck a week ago. She / he is just a week old. Loving him or her to death.. I'm calling " Erki " a she . She is following me around all the time already.. I'm loving it.. this is what I've wanted for the past 25 yrs.. I'd like to know from everyone's experience on here if she is actually a call duck and a pure call duck.. also .. can anyone tell me what color she might turn out to be when she's grown ?
this is one of my call ducks that's named Rosie and as a duckling was the same colour

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