Call Ducks Finally Hatched

So each day we have been going outside and play in the puddles and mud and what not. Here's the funny part, the two mommies that had giving up to soon, want there attention SOOO bad but apparently these guys think that I'm mommy, they follow me and won't leave my side. IT"S CRAZY. The one mommy duck has even tried to show the kids how to use the pool for swimming purpose, the kids act as though they don't even see her they just keep there heads on the ground and walk around the yard. Mommy duck will even yell at them, they just ignore her. So I tried to get out of sight thinking OK now they will pay attention to her.

NOPE I was wrong, they start SCREAMING well more like PEEPING REALLY LOUD for me. As if to say "WHERE DID YOU GO, DON"T ABANDON ME". It's the funniest thing. These kids just don't want to show any kind of independency. But little do they know, This thursday will be the day they are permanently outside. YEH that means, I will be forgotten. they will be mad at me. But this will be the time when they could careless if I'm around. OH JOY, Just break my heart.. LOL.. Perhaps then they will pay attention to the Two mommy ducks.

I have to move them out, I have 10 more coming in two weeks. LOL.. AND boy do these guys STINK. lol...messy, messy, messy..
That's great that Momny wants to love them. They will be good once outside with her and she will teach them how to be ducks. She will do a great job. When I had my seven out the other day, their mom came up to check them out. Now that she's had babies of er own before I think she gets it. They stopped and look at her for several seconds and she talked to them, but I broke up that little reunion bc I can't safely let them be out 24/7 right now anyway.
That's great that Momny wants to love them. They will be good once outside with her and she will teach them how to be ducks. She will do a great job. When I had my seven out the other day, their mom came up to check them out. Now that she's had babies of er own before I think she gets it. They stopped and look at her for several seconds and she talked to them, but I broke up that little reunion bc I can't safely let them be out 24/7 right now anyway.
Mine are getting there grown up feathers, I plan on letting them out 24/7 at 3 weeks, what age do you let your stay out permanently?
Welll it's different here bc my ducks are not kept penned- and there are big turtles, etc in my pond. So I didn't leave mine last year until more like 6-8 weeks. But just for size (they're mallards).

These this year are not staying here.. And where they are going they WILL be penned up for the first several weeks. So I may let them go to new owner at 4-5 weeks? I'll just have to see how I'm feeling about them when that time comes. They're two weeks as of this weekend and I have started leaving the brooder on the screened porch because as you said, THEY_ARE_DISGUSTING. :gag
Hello there I have some call duck eggs which are now on day 28.... I thought they came around 25-26 does anyone have any ideas on what I should do? Starting to panic here!!!!!!
Hello there I have some call duck eggs which are now on day 28.... I thought they came around 25-26 does anyone have any ideas on what I should do? Starting to panic here!!!!!! this whole thread is great but you can scroll down to the hatch if you want. Patience is the key word here. and

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