Call Ducks Finally Hatched

I knew you'd love it. Tiggy's legs are more gray-ish to black, but does seem to be a hint of greenish in there. I'm beginning to wonder if they aren't all 4 girls! By 10 weeks, I thought I would know for sure! I think they finally finished molting, and I can tell they are maturing, so I think it will all be revealed very soon.

I hatched all 4 of them together. Juice and Tiggy hatched on Saturday, Opie on Sunday and Chibs on Monday... 10 weeks ago.

I take soooo many pictures... but here's another pretty one from yesterday.

And a group shot
I have been so busy and haven't been on here for several days
. I cannot believe how beautiful your 4 girls are and I hope they are all girls. Tiggy's wing bar's color absolutely kills me. How did that happen? Is it common in her breed of duckness? I have seen wing bars before in other ducks but her greenish bod with green head and white markings and then the splash of wing bar is exquisite. Now then there's Chibs. Her tail has black. But I thought Pekins were all white. I do like how it breaks up the white though. Opie has more black in her. Chibs' body has such a beautiful smoothness to it. Geez, I could go on forever. I am glad you take lots of pictures. I love your ducks.
Yes Lacrystal, put them in 8 May. Day 24 today, put them in lock-down this morning, raised humidity up to 60-65%. There is lots of condensation on the plexiglass windows, so I'm pretty sure that's enough humidity, and when it goes up to 65% i open the lid for a few seconds to get it back down to 60%. Don't know for sure how accurate my humidity gauge is, but think it's pretty close. Just don't want to drown all my ducklings. Last year i had 42 exhibition Rouen and Aylesbury eggs in, and they were all fully formed in the shell, but only 1 egg hatched, they all drowned from to much humidity i think.

Here's my secret weapon this year, 2 runt ducklings that hatched 6 days ago, making them peep to encourage the ones still in the eggs. I talk to the eggs a lot to encourage them too.
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@casportpony how is your little baby with the crook neck and gavage feedings doing now? I haven't been on here in about 3 days so I am a bit behind on posts.
I have been so busy and haven't been on here for several days
. I cannot believe how beautiful your 4 girls are and I hope they are all girls. Tiggy's wing bar's color absolutely kills me. How did that happen? Is it common in her breed of duckness? I have seen wing bars before in other ducks but her greenish bod with green head and white markings and then the splash of wing bar is exquisite. Now then there's Chibs. Her tail has black. But I thought Pekins were all white. I do like how it breaks up the white though. Opie has more black in her. Chibs' body has such a beautiful smoothness to it. Geez, I could go on forever. I am glad you take lots of pictures. I love your ducks.

Thank you so much. You are a real dear to love our ducks like you do! These are all Swedish. Well, that's what the eggs I bought were supposed to be lol. They were advertised as blue, black, or splash. I don't know if blacks are supposed to have the green on them or not honestly! I think Tiggy's wingbar is beautiful too. Wait till I get a pic when it looks purple! Oh, I haven't gotten a good pic of Juice's wingbar yet. Its brown! Really nice chocolate brown. I'll get one soon. Again, I appreciate you!

((I forgot I was on the Call duck thread again. Mine aren't calls, obviously... ))
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Yes Lacrystal, put them in 8 May. Day 24 today, put them in lock-down this morning, raised humidity up to 60-65%. There is lots of condensation on the plexiglass windows, so I'm pretty sure that's enough humidity, and when it goes up to 65% i open the lid for a few seconds to get it back down to 60%. Don't know for sure how accurate my humidity gauge is, but think it's pretty close. Just don't want to drown all my ducklings. Last year i had 42 exhibition Rouen and Aylesbury eggs in, and they were all fully formed in the shell, but only 1 egg hatched, they all drowned from to much humidity i think.

Here's my secret weapon this year, 2 runt ducklings that hatched 6 days ago, making them peep to encourage the ones still in the eggs. I talk to the eggs a lot to encourage them too.
You do not know how lucky you are to get to hold that cute little thing.
I have been so busy and haven't been on here for several days:( .  I cannot believe how beautiful your 4 girls are and I hope they are all girls.  Tiggy's wing bar's color absolutely kills me.  How did that happen?  Is it common in her breed of duckness?  I have seen wing bars before in other ducks but her greenish bod with green head and white markings and then the splash of wing bar is exquisite.  Now then there's Chibs.  Her tail has black.  But I thought Pekins were all white.  I do like how it breaks up the white though.  Opie has more black in her.  Chibs' body has such a beautiful smoothness to it.  Geez, I could go on forever.  I am glad you take lots of pictures.  I love your ducks.  

just love the white duck with the black butt, have never seen one colored like that, she's lovely.

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