Call Ducks piping and died


7 Years
Apr 18, 2014
I'm probably posting in too many places as I'm not used to this forum. We took out the eggs that when not fertile at at the 10-day mark. The rest were growing fine. Today is day 28 and 1 did pipe but it's dead.. I see no other cracks on the other eggs. Humidity is 75. Temp norm. It's not looking good now. Any suggestions would be great though. I'll try to find them. Thank you so much
Yes, as of about 10 days ago they were alive and I just looked again now one looks like maybe it was moving but the other ones I did check looked like the beak is very still. I I hatched some last year with no problems. I seriously think there's no hope right now. My grand-girls will it be sad but but there are guineas hatching out in 3 days.. there is no way to get them wrong. I just wanted the girls at least the two younger ones to experience the hatching process. Thank you for your help. I will save this information.
I had gotten the one that has a light underneath every egg in the Turner. It's useless but it does stay accurate. The other one is the yellow one the Janoel8-48. Besides using the cabinet incubator which would you suggest? Thank you

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