Calling All Rabbit Nutters

Don’t mind if I do. Just invited myself, but this picture was too fun not to share.
Ernie on the left (fuzzy Holland lop) and Scarf on the right (mix or unknown). They love their dandelions.
If you never seen a rabbit tongue… it’s so cute!
Are they fixed floofers?
I'm with you on the rabbits, to whatever extent some feel the need to go on those.
Better meat for you then any other source including chicken, 1/2 the costs and grow time, and an animal that's super easy to work with. I'm just in the process of putting all the pieces together for a small single family set up, and I'll see what niche I might be able to grow into, from there.
It's pretty much a natural extension for those who enjoy their chickens.
And by the way, almost creating a sub topic here, as far as "backyards" go, and I'm definitely a backyard hobbyist, it seems to me that a rabbitry of whatever is the appropriate size for a person's backyard, would make an excellent addition in their backyards to people like me, who have some size limitations. Which seems to me to be very cool!
I haven't started building yet but now I have a better idea about what I want to build first.

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