calling all wild bird feeders!!

[quote n

ame="duluthralphie" url="/t/946654/calling-all-wild-bird-feeders/270#post_15232908"]
It is recommended that we leave the feeders up during the winter. We have a number of migrant birds in the winter.

I feed all winter, but I get my better, prettier birds this time of year. Winter is fun but it is a lot of chickadees, Juncos, and drab goldfinches.

I didn't make it clear. I was referring to hummingbird feeders. I haven't seen any my self in the winter but there are quite a few verified reports here in the winter. I see them from April through October but we only see Ruby Throated. A lot of strays in the winter are Rufus.
Ahh,, We only get ruby throated and only for a few months.

I have a male rose breasted Grosbeak and two females at the feeder right now, so I must have more than one pair of them, they are so pretty.

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