calling any one from missouri

I am not from Missouri but JUST over the border in Oklahoma. We are less than 15 min from Joplin Mo.
I have eggs in the incubator now. I have a row of green eggs, EE hen with a brown leghorn roo, or maybe a salmon favorolle roo who knows?

Then I have several bantam brown leghorns in. 4 muscovey duck and 5 geese eggs. I have never hatched geese before, infact geese scare me but maybe this will help me get over that(maybe)
Cluckychick your babies are sooo cute..
Good luck with the Goats I have several friends here that raise them. They are cute but they can be quite a hand full too.

Slightlycracked sounds like you got quite a colorful group in your bator. I will be intrested to see the results..
Keep us posted please

Close enough for me! Welcome!

I felt the same way about geese until Jenny gave us a goose egg to hatch. The whole time it was in the bator I kept saying "what in the heck are we going to do with it" then I would say "only one, it probably won't hatch anyway". Well, he turned 3 weeks old on Monday and has the whole family wrapped around his little beak! He follows us everywhere and loves attention and when he was smaller he loved to curl up in our hoodies and sleep on our necks. They grow fast, now he will lay on our chests or even sleep next to you when my son takes him to bed once in a while. They do poop alot and will eat anything in front of them. We let Nester and his ducky buddy Norman have free range of the garage most evenings when we don't take them outside and they make quite the mess and we have to "baby" proof or they will get into whatever they can, but they have been such a joy to have around. I am hoping that he does stay tame and we can continue to have as much fun with him as we do now.

As far as hatching goes, I hope Jenny comes along and can give you some tips. I know I had to make an emergency call to her during the hatching!
Thanks for the welcome!! I read up on hatching geese eggs but it not the same as doing it!! I have them in a seperate incubator with the humidity a little higher, hand turning them 3 times a day and gently misting them. My son calls the misting part giving them some mama goose butt loving. Ya know mam geese get off the nest , go swim, then sits back on the nest with a wet bum!!

I hope these little guys turn out to be nice. I had a bad experience with geese several years ago. I hand raised 2 babies, loved them nurtured them, took them on walks and swims. When they got big the was extremly aggressive towards my son which was 3 at the time. So I am a little nervous but i am willing to try.

I am so addicted to hatching that I will try almost anything once.
Oh My gosh you guys have been busy. i am currently trying to get a few more seperate pens bought or made so we can totally seperate our breeds. I hatched 48 chicks out 2 weeks ago and now have 8 dozen set again. I really thought the chicks would sell quicker than they have but am still keeping my hopes up. We are hoping to get our NPIP certification soon. Don't know if any of you are interested in hatchery chicks, but this gentleman has been wonderful to work with and has very VERY reasonable prices for chicks. PLUS I live keeping the money in Missouri.

Chris is the nicest to work with and has recently bought the hatchery from Mr. Griffith's family.

let's try and keep this thread lively, love to talk to all of you.

Oh the others are doing ok, we just pulled some out of the big incubator and put them in the hatcher. They are due Sat.

I am so glad your little goose is doing good Michelle. Ours made it out of the shell but did not make it much longer. I think he worked too hard getting out.

What sort of info do you need about hatching? I will do my best!

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